3.077 - 21st Mar, 2008 (Soft Release) "Heavy Material"
-"Recent Tutorials" widget added to right bar
-User Journal List added to profile
-Journal comments added
-News comments added
-MOTM review comments added

-"Open in new window" image link in forums no longer uses javascript popups
-Tutorial main page icons made less transparent
-Quick notice images (to the right of the search form) are more noticable
-Logout link added to quick notice images
-Shoutbox shout length limit doubled to 200 characters
-Search results now have multiple pages
-Optimization of browser stats, removed anonymous stat gathering
-Optimization of header code - pages load 2-4 seconds faster
-Small optimization of forum thread view code - about 10% faster

Fixed Bugs:
-Searching in tutorials or forums while logged out results in an SQL error
-Last comment in journal comments not editible
-"Where to Start" links not linking anywhere
-Enormous bug in the forum and tutorial search code

3.059 - 3rd Mar, 2008 (Soft Release) "Stabilizer"
-Ability to change the engine of your tutorial
-"General" Category added for tutorials
-Page index added to the bottom of multi-page tutorials
-Added MOTM Vault for easy voting

-Tutorial info edit redirects to the tutorial instead of the "My Tutorials" page
-links to the old vault (mapvault_map.php) redirect to new vault
-Clarified that uploading a tutorial image does not save the page
-Links in the Thread Alert page now link to the last page of the thread
-Small avatars now support transparency
-Notification if you have voted a map for MOTM
-Complete user level overhaul
-"Last post" link in the forum list now directs to the last page in the thread

Fixed Bugs:
-Draft tutorials displayed when viewing a user's tutorials
-Last tutorial to go up is not displayed as latest if there are tutorials after it
-Bio's not showing in user search
-MOTM vote only checking the month, not the year
-Bio's stretching search results table
-Thread Alerts not showing if thread has more than one new reply
-PM's in archive being as from 'Anonymous'
-Spelling mistake and heading mistake on PM page
-Empty page showing when search returns nothing
-Error occuring on searches containing single quotes
-Ability to submit blank tutorial comments
-Error when trying to vote for MOTM
-Validation errors in journals page
-Validation errors in profile page

3.033 - 25th Feb, 2008 (Soft Release) "System Crash"
-Added option to display small avatars in the forums
-Added option for how many posts should be displayed per page in a thread
-Uploaded tutorial images can now be deleted

-Tutorial images are now resized to maximum height/width of 600px
-The last rejected revision shows in tutorial edit instead of the pubic version
-The heading for the "Latest Forums" box on the front page is now a link
-Message for trying to view a Competition that has no results changed
-Links in the "Latest Forums" now link to the last page of the thread
-Posting and editing forum posts now redirects to the last page of the thread
-"Latest Journals" links point to the user's journal page
-Title of the tutorial is now a required field in a proposal
-"Latest Forums" maximum post length shortened by 50 characters

Fixed Bugs:
-Forums blocked to all users
-Vault blocked to all users
-All threads marked as old
-Externally hosted maps not being able to be added to the vault
-IP's showing in member list
-Long passwords not compatible with login system
-Double border in the vault comments box
-Map comments displaying in the wrong order
-Links in control panel point nowhere
-"Can Code Source" automatically becoming true if user selects "Can Map Source"
-User can post in a closed thread if thread is closed after they load it
-All PM's being displayed as 'Anonymous'
-Thread tracking icon in header pointing nowhere
-Tutorial comments not being posted
-Ability to vote for maps with voting disabled
-Map owner not getting comment PM's when "PM on comment" is checked
-Tutorial page delete not working if tutorial is in draft
-Tutorial image list displaying incorrectly in Opera
-Tutorial image delete not working
-[pre] tags messing up the front page in the "Latest Forums"
-"Latest Forums" posts sometimes show a '...' even if the whole post is shown

3.000 - 23rd Feb, 2008 "Ground Zero"
-Inital release