Lightning problems on HL 1 Map Created 8 years ago2015-05-25 15:33:23 UTC by abbadon abbadon

Created 8 years ago2015-05-25 15:33:23 UTC by abbadon abbadon

Posted 8 years ago2015-05-25 15:33:23 UTC Post #325658
Hi. I´m working on this map for several days trying to fix the problem you see. Some cyclers aren´t lightened at all, even if I put an insane amount of light intensity on the main light source of the map to make the light iluminates the door cyclers properly but it add also an unnatural lightning effect to the map itself. I have tried to put lights under each cycler, but with no avail.

I´m kinda desperate!!, please help. The one who gives me the solution will be on Zion Warcry´s v2.0 credits.
User posted image
Posted 8 years ago2015-05-25 15:44:48 UTC Post #325659
Models in HL1 aren't lit per vertex. They have a single lighting value based on the lighting at their model origin. The origin is usually at the center of the model, but for monsters and gravity affected object it's usually at the bottom of the model.

If you have tried to light up the floor, you should try and put a light in the middle of the version. If it doesn't work then it may be an error not related to the lighting on it's own.
Dr. Orange Dr. OrangeSource good.
Posted 8 years ago2015-05-25 15:53:14 UTC Post #325661
Excuse me, but I don´t undestand what VERSION is... Do you mean the cycler? :(
Posted 8 years ago2015-05-25 16:23:09 UTC Post #325662
Models take color and brightness values from the lightmap of a world brush beneath them, so make sure their center/origin isnt stuck in a wall, i think you can manipulate it with using a single "bone" or whatever theyre called in models, also make sure the origin isnt even a bit off a ledge, because itll take values from the bottom of the pit which is probably dark. The max height models can take values is limited too, so maybe u could modify it in the code if its there, itd probably be better for those sentinels to take values from surface on top of them rather than beneath them
Posted 8 years ago2015-05-25 16:32:46 UTC Post #325663
Is the viewmodel lit differently from worldmodels? Becuase I made a map with a low sunlight angle, so standing on a spot where the floor was dark, but realisticly the Sunlight would still be in that 3D space made the viewmodel become lit with the sunlight color.
Dr. Orange Dr. OrangeSource good.
Posted 8 years ago2015-05-25 16:40:01 UTC Post #325664
The sentinels are well lit, that´s weird because they are and turbines not. Also, the pit where the turbines are sat on are lighted with a light (intensities are tested with 100, 200, 300 values) with no luck. The origin of the model was aligned with the floor, so it won´t stuck on any brush :/ , weird thing too is that the doors which has also some parts of them over the outer pit are well lit by the main light source in the center of the map... :( , Are there any flags that I should use?, I have compiled the map several times day by day testing a lot of things...
Posted 8 years ago2015-05-25 17:17:14 UTC Post #325665
Dr. Orange... You´re on credits!! :P It fixed the problem, I put the light directly on the center of the cycler and it worked!!, now is time to fix the lights for when the central tower is destroyed by the HandOfGod!!! :) Thanks Dr.Orange!! ^_^
Posted 8 years ago2015-05-26 12:39:21 UTC Post #325675
You're welcome.
Dr. Orange Dr. OrangeSource good.
Posted 8 years ago2015-06-19 11:58:25 UTC Post #326007
Hi I've got a similar problem in one of my maps.. Although here it's related to ammo_spore models.
User posted image
As you can see the room is properly lid. Shining in a green light including some lamps shining white.

My models are black though. Sometimes I noticed that at least 1 or them shines properly but just sometimes after a compile.

I'm compiling with -minlight 10 I even set lights in front of the models. I redid the whole room in a new brush in the hope to get it working.

I set a color source inside the models itself (not sure if that's actually supported) yet they are still pitch black. I've also played around with the rendering settings giving each spore a different setting just for testing. Some solid 255 - some solid 1 - some color etc..

Yet they refuse to illuminate. My map has 0 leaks and as I said I just redid the whole room and it's still not working.

Any ideas?

EDIT: Managed to solve it. Turns out I had dozen of micro leaks in most of my maps but these first showed up after switching the Map Editor to a newer version and then fixing the micro leaks - suddenly it worked.
Posted 8 years ago2015-06-19 12:08:36 UTC Post #326030
Try the above methods, if you haven't yet. If there's still problems, maybe post the source file/sections of it, or make an example map with this problem and lighting setup. Could be your water/slime set to block light, which would render the brush beneath full black from shadows. Supposedly that's where your model light source would be, if no other horizontal visleaf is in-between. Don't quote me on the last part.

Nvm, just noticed the edit :P
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