
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-16 09:58:00 UTC
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Things have been a little slow on the tutorial front lately. Well, for a while now actually. Chalk that up to our laziness, but we do plan to rectify it.

First up, we'd like to tell you to stop, for the time being, proposing tutorials to us. We will not be answering any proposal from now until TWHL3 is released.

Secondly, to anyone that has ever submitted a proposal in the past and not received a response: we apologise for the lack of contact.

However, all is not lost. When TWHL3 is released, we invite everyone who did not receive a response to resubmit their tutorial using our new tutorial system. We guarentee your request will get an answer. We also plan to expand upon the amount of tutorials we have on the site as well, so if you've ever wanted to write a tutorial on Half-Life or Source mapping, now's the time to get things together so you can be ready for TWHL3!


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