Hotdog's Cubicle

Half-Life HL
Hotdog's Cubicle by hlife_hotdog
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-28 10:43:15 UTC • Completed • Half-Life
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Hotdog's Cubicle
hlife_hotdog hlife_hotdog
14 years ago2010-02-28 10:43:15 UTC
14 years ago2010-02-28 10:44:25 UTC
4.80 (5)
full star full star full star full star full star Download (2.55mb)

My contribution to the TWHL Cubicles project. Sorry to all for killing the engine, oh, and the crappy trees.

This is a view only map. You spawn on a catwalk because walking around is not recommended.


Commented 14 years ago2010-02-28 17:59:53 UTC Comment #17890
I really liked the brushwork on this- the little town made me smile.
At first, I thought you had recreated the coast maps for HL2, but then I realized that there weren't enough buildings or any tunnels!
A few minor things, like texturing and invalid faces that dissapeared, so I have to deduct a star, but all in all it's great.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-28 19:28:54 UTC Comment #17854
Thanks Jeff. That's the problem with creating something like this. The scale is so small that you get heaps of invalid errors. It too me two days just to map the ground part.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-28 21:23:06 UTC Comment #17855
I didn't have any problems with it.
It is a very nice map. I'd love to see this blown up bigger for a DM map or something. The VM is elite.

I think the balcony you stand on could be a little higher to see more of the stuff in the map. Also, the light on the ceiling aren't bright like lights are. Put sprites on them or a light to brighten them up a bit.

As far as I can see, this map meets the requirements entirely for the cubicle challenge. Well done.

5 stars but I recommend an update just once with a few minor things.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-28 23:13:29 UTC Comment #17853
Well done sir! This map is amazing in terms of VM. Basically, 5 stars except for the problems Rimrook pointed out. You might also try setting the minimum light level of the lights to fix the problem with the lack of brightness.
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-01 03:18:34 UTC Comment #17850
Fucking optimize this at least a LITTLE.
Combine func_illusionaries instead of having a billion individual ones.
Absolutely nothing is nulled off and you could probably null off almost half of the map. At least null the back of those little trees.
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-01 04:11:45 UTC Comment #17851
Dude for real, erase all the trees. Highlight the entire map and scale it way up. Put some tree models in it. Change the walls to a sky and create a distant island or something and make spawn points. It would make an awesome deathmatch map for the server. It was really cool and well built! I fealt like king kong.
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-01 09:21:47 UTC Comment #17839
Sorry soup. I didn't have time before I went on holiday to do that, though I did want to. And I really don't think I could get away with scaling this's too complicated and it wouldn't run lol
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-05 02:34:49 UTC Comment #17955
Well it's not going anywhere until you get back. I'll be sure you pester you about it to no end until it's fixed :x
Edit: Dick Fries.
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-10 21:25:27 UTC Comment #17969
Superb entry for cubicles!
(screenie simply does no justice at all...)

just zomg, one of the coolest things i've ever seen for HL. do you think you could do a quasi-3d skybox for HL doing something like this? We should have a whole "train set" miniature competition... would be great fun. = )

I noticed NONE of the visual errors that jeffmod mentioned. I kinda agree with zeeba about the trees, except maybe scaling some tree models down instead of scaling up the map might work. All in all it still looks passable imo considering what it is, but maybe even just using a less "bushlike" trasparent tree might help as well.

Don't foget too the scale tool is your friend for something like this (did you use it at all, or is everything 1-unit based? Like take the brige for example: it looks great, but the black steel supports wires look "chunky". building the bridge in say 2x or 2.5 scale with the proper proportions (to get the proper cable thinness) and scaling the whole thing down with the hammer scale tool would look much better. you shouldn't get any errors, visual or otherwise by doing this as long as you:

a. don't scale it too small
b. don't try to edit vm it further once it's been scaled (you actually can, just be careful).

Anyway, really, really coool. this map deserves nothing less than 5 in my book, first and foremost for originality/creativity, but also Highly-skilled implementation a very close second.

= )
Commented 14 years ago2010-04-06 05:58:50 UTC Comment #18079
Nice little recreation of this place (don't know if you just made this place up or if you atcually recreated somwhere) well anyway, I like it. 4.5 stars.
Commented 1 year ago2022-09-20 19:05:17 UTC Comment #104792
The download (external link died. I have replaced it with your .bsp from the TWHL Cubicles mod and it seems to work fine.

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