Commented 15 years ago2009-10-21 16:14:29 UTC
in journal: #6140Comment #53417
I somehow figured out how to get textures but not anything else (Try mapping with no ents D:) and make terribly huge maps. Never saved a single one, as I saw it as practice for source. (back when I had the delusion that I could actually GET the source SDK on dialup) Made some bad maps once I had a FGD, all of which are deleted. I made a CS map, a few TS RP maps, all of which sucked, made a "Terrorists attack the building you're a security guard in" mod which only got a few levels through, then I found Spirit 1.7 unofficial build. screwed around with that for a while, making a prison mod. Somewhere in between getting a HL1 FGD and getting Flatlife I made a testing map for ent setups and faction testing. I'm sure you all remember how that went when I uploaded it.
I think I've had 5 failed mods, one of which ran off another mod I was working on (lol, that was my crappy stargate mod) and two of which were failed versions of what would evolve into Colony 42. I hope I have a solid concept this time, I've definietly come farther than all the other's combined.
How did this start? ...Oh yeah, setting up hammer for the first time. No instructions with hammer, so used a (TWHL?) tutorial. Very first time was just wads, and I think I played it by ear.
Commented 15 years ago2009-10-19 20:10:55 UTC
in journal: #6139Comment #42744
Entirely right.
Although, I wouldn't mind if Valve made one or two commercials for their games, showed them on channels with gaming-oriented shows (So they hit the target audience) a few times, but only as the games are being prepared to ship, ie. preorders have been around for a few weeks. Also, the commercials would show more scripted sequences and plot than glorified shooting.
Commented 15 years ago2009-10-18 07:27:41 UTC
in news: Results!Comment #99470
Awww... If I was good enough to replicate the layout, I could have gotten custom titles... Oh, well. What would I have used them for anyway. Congrats to the winners!
Commented 15 years ago2009-10-14 06:41:40 UTC
in news: NewsComment #99430
Hello, I'm JeffMOD. I will be your guide through the history of TWHL's news. To begin, go into your URL, and make the number at the end of the URL go up 1 integer.
Commented 15 years ago2009-10-13 21:05:39 UTC
in journal: #6125Comment #39002
How would you get a screencap of a BSOD, anyway? I tried once using printscreen, but of course, it had vanished from the clipboard since the computer shut down.
Commented 15 years ago2009-10-12 17:14:07 UTC
in journal: #6124Comment #60429
You give thanks and eat lots of food (Turkey, mashed_potatis, cranberry sauce, ect.) Basically, a private/family harvest feast. "I played KoTOR II first, thought it was great. then got KOTOR maybe 2 years later, and then couldn't look at KoTOR II as anything but crap." Yeah, I started with KoTOR I, but the CD isn't here, so...
And we'll be watching the 'last modifiyed' date.
Also, WC: That's hilarious, I can't beleive I didn't notice it.
He needs a new mic...
Never saved a single one, as I saw it as practice for source. (back when I had the delusion that I could actually GET the source SDK on dialup)
Made some bad maps once I had a FGD, all of which are deleted. I made a CS map, a few TS RP maps, all of which sucked, made a "Terrorists attack the building you're a security guard in" mod which only got a few levels through, then I found Spirit 1.7 unofficial build. screwed around with that for a while, making a prison mod. Somewhere in between getting a HL1 FGD and getting Flatlife I made a testing map for ent setups and faction testing. I'm sure you all remember how that went when I uploaded it.
I think I've had 5 failed mods, one of which ran off another mod I was working on (lol, that was my crappy stargate mod) and two of which were failed versions of what would evolve into Colony 42. I hope I have a solid concept this time, I've definietly come farther than all the other's combined.
How did this start? ...Oh yeah, setting up hammer for the first time. No instructions with hammer, so used a (TWHL?) tutorial. Very first time was just wads, and I think I played it by ear.
Although, I wouldn't mind if Valve made one or two commercials for their games, showed them on channels with gaming-oriented shows (So they hit the target audience) a few times, but only as the games are being prepared to ship, ie. preorders have been around for a few weeks.
Also, the commercials would show more scripted sequences and plot than glorified shooting.
Now I need to find strider's journal.
Oh, well. What would I have used them for anyway. Congrats to the winners!
I need to see a priest, in that case.
I remember that. All because of a ATdestroy's sisters' MMO game...
Sorry, man.
Was Habboi ever actually like that? I feel for everyone that was around when he was.
Feel free to explore more news, and remember, atom will return someday. Someday.
I will be your guide through the history of TWHL's news. To begin, go into your URL, and make the number at the end of the URL go up 1 integer.
Unless their evil aliens...
Srry: lol@ yourself ;D
Habboi: Yeah, that aspect, as well as the interface make it a good game.
Call in Rick Mercer, and get "Talking to Americans" on the air again!
Basically, a private/family harvest feast.
"I played KoTOR II first, thought it was great. then got KOTOR maybe 2 years later, and then couldn't look at KoTOR II as anything but crap."
Yeah, I started with KoTOR I, but the CD isn't here, so...
I don't live in the UK, though...
I wish you luck on all your endeavours.
More like dropping prefabs on the terrain...