I've just realised how much TWHL contributed to my current personality. When my parents and other IRL people just brushed things off as "not normal" and similar labels, TWHL folks would actually talk to me about some things, and probably have endured way more than my parents ever did lol. All the cringe things I used to post back in the day.
I don't remember you, probably because I only joined here in 2016 (when I was 14), but yeah, I learned a fun piece of TWHL history. Hello!
Commented 1 year ago2023-02-23 18:33:42 UTC
in journal: Annual vita log 0x015Comment #105127
First real, proper love, I should note. I've had online relationships until now, but this is the first one that actually crossed the boundaries. Quite literally.
My boy travelled from central Europe all the way to Bosnia just to spend 10 days with me, and I wanna do everything in my might to absolutely reward that effort & make it worth it.
Aw thanks, but I wouldn't compare myself to Carmack in the slightest, though I will admit I draw heavy inspiration from some of his philosophy. I see him as a tinkerer who prefers practical & simplistic solutions, at least did back in the 90s, dunno how he is nowadays. And I happen to share that preference.
Anyway oof, I appear to have a nasty cold right now.
It manages to run on my 2012 Fujitsu S792 (Intel HD Graphics 4000 + mobile Intel Core i5 + 4 GB RAM) at about 15fps, which isn't too far off from what I expected, though NGL I kinda was hoping for 30fps... oh well, that's what I get for using Vulkan on hardware older than the API itself.
Now, I'm most likely not touching this thing until March, because February will be full of exams.
Thank you!!! I feel like the past 2 years (turning idTech 3 into GoldSRC, enhancing idTech 4, writing an engine from scratch) were more or less a preparation for this thing. Designing systems, understanding how my motivation works, keeping track of things via Trello and getting them done etc.
Also I forgot to mention this in the journal, but once summer's here, I will likely be looking for volunteers, mainly mappers and programmers. We'll have to see though! From experience I know stuff gets delayed, so that might as well be in autumn.
Mmm winter, by unloved. This is basically that time of the year when my life feels sad, dull and monotonous, yet, I seem to do a lot more during winter than any other season. It's a weird effect, but that's just life.
I'm enjoying the autumn though while we still have leaves on trees. Like, not green, not dry orange either, but yellow. Makes for some nice pictures.
I should post-process these a bit and jam them into the "Post your photos" thread. x3
Commented 1 year ago2022-10-16 10:26:54 UTC
in journal: Mutable TimesComment #104846
I discussed stuff like this with a friend recently, slightly younger than me, and another friend a while ago, slightly older than me. I'm feeling the exact same, and I'm turning 21 in February. No job, no interesting projects to show to get one, feeling like every little fort I try building collapses like a house of cards. It really sometimes feels like we've invested in the wrong things early on.
Life is not a race though. It's more like a long, transcontinental trip. For the ones who have a car, it's easy! For you and me, well, all we can do is walk for now. It's hard. Lots of bugs, swamps, storms in the way and we barely have any place to hide. But eventually we'll make it.
I feel that, for every person who gets life sorted out in their early 20s, there's probably a few dozen others who are about as lost as you and me. So don't worry, hang in there. Eventually we'll get a piece of that cake too.
I wonder if some of the more experienced folks here will share some wisdom. Cuz' I know for a fact nobody has life figured out, it all boils down to essentially making the best out of your current life situation. Personally I just enjoy the smaller things to stop thinking about this source of dread that is my future.
Commented 1 year ago2022-10-03 09:06:45 UTC
in journal: First DayComment #104826
Stop Typing Like This, Please. It Is Incorrect. Your text is very hard to read because of that.
I hope your life situation improves. I can relate, I had really bad classmates in primary school and was bullied a lot in 6th grade. 7th grade onward had less bullying, but my classmates made every day an inconvenience because it was fun to them.
But if I learned one thing, it's that life is like a wave. It goes up and down. And from what I can tell, you've been going down quite a bit, which only means one thing: it's about to go up.
BTW you can directly upload images to your forum posts. Simply take a screenshot (e.g. with ShareX, it'll copy the image to your clipboard), and Ctrl+V in the input textbox. As an alternative, you may use Imgur or some other image host.
Commented 2 years ago2021-12-29 14:07:58 UTC
in vault item: wλrehouse_cλrgoComment #103924
Oskar's right, he camped that teleport exit and it worked WAY too well, crossbowed me there at least 10 times. I recorded some gameplay with fellow TWHLers, so I might upload it one day for you to see. It was fun.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
in the URL), so you're left with You get this:I don't remember you, probably because I only joined here in 2016 (when I was 14), but yeah, I learned a fun piece of TWHL history. Hello!
My boy travelled from central Europe all the way to Bosnia just to spend 10 days with me, and I wanna do everything in my might to absolutely reward that effort & make it worth it.
Thanks y'all for the birthday wishes!
Also update: I have 82 kg right now. Progress is real.
Anyway oof, I appear to have a nasty cold right now.
Now, I'm most likely not touching this thing until March, because February will be full of exams.
I feel like the past 2 years (turning idTech 3 into GoldSRC, enhancing idTech 4, writing an engine from scratch) were more or less a preparation for this thing. Designing systems, understanding how my motivation works, keeping track of things via Trello and getting them done etc.
Also I forgot to mention this in the journal, but once summer's here, I will likely be looking for volunteers, mainly mappers and programmers. We'll have to see though! From experience I know stuff gets delayed, so that might as well be in autumn.
- Survive.
But for real, here's the list:I'm enjoying the autumn though while we still have leaves on trees. Like, not green, not dry orange either, but yellow. Makes for some nice pictures.
directly.Life is not a race though. It's more like a long, transcontinental trip. For the ones who have a car, it's easy! For you and me, well, all we can do is walk for now. It's hard. Lots of bugs, swamps, storms in the way and we barely have any place to hide. But eventually we'll make it.
I feel that, for every person who gets life sorted out in their early 20s, there's probably a few dozen others who are about as lost as you and me. So don't worry, hang in there. Eventually we'll get a piece of that cake too.
I wonder if some of the more experienced folks here will share some wisdom. Cuz' I know for a fact nobody has life figured out, it all boils down to essentially making the best out of your current life situation. Personally I just enjoy the smaller things to stop thinking about this source of dread that is my future.
I hope your life situation improves. I can relate, I had really bad classmates in primary school and was bullied a lot in 6th grade. 7th grade onward had less bullying, but my classmates made every day an inconvenience because it was fun to them.
But if I learned one thing, it's that life is like a wave. It goes up and down. And from what I can tell, you've been going down quite a bit, which only means one thing: it's about to go up.
As an alternative, you may use Imgur or some other image host.
Uhhhhhhh isn't that supposed to be in some other journal?...
I recorded some gameplay with fellow TWHLers, so I might upload it one day for you to see. It was fun.