
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-22 18:10:27 UTC in vault item: aim_akcolt_smores Comment #8215
Depends, Aim_ak-colt is pretty much open fielded.... thats kinda what i was going for on this map... I just pretty much gave up on it though and am working on a new one, the mp5 one could use some more cover but i was copying a old map, if i ever get bored ill add some stuff, but these are more like practice maps / tell me what im doing wrong so i can do better on the "next" one...
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-21 17:43:43 UTC in vault item: aim_akcolt_smores Comment #8193
well, i only uploaded it to get some help on it....
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-19 16:41:01 UTC in vault item: aim_mp5_smores Comment #8170
Sorry, the first time I tried to upload it it messed up and i must have forgotten to change it to CS, I fixed it now, thanks!
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-19 10:54:11 UTC in vault item: aim_mp5_smores Comment #8163
Well, this map took me more than a few mins, mostly because im new at mapping and havent figured out time saving ways of doing things. Right now im not going to change it unless theres some major problems, but i will think about going back and adding some more cover, i just dont know how i want to do it yet. I was also wondering if i should use a differnt texture theme???
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-18 19:25:17 UTC in vault item: aim_mp5_smores Comment #8153
well i didnt plan on getting into a lot of detail, i just wanted to make this map to figure things out and do something i wanted to do.... BTW it still looks ok doesnt it, i spent a little time choosing the textures and lining up the lights and stuff...... Im jsut new and am doing little projects to build some skill before i do a lrage project thats all... THANKS FOR THE COMMENTS!!!!