you do have the dx7 water and nodraw texture on the 5 unseen sides of the brush right? I've had this problem so many times before. Just keep trying things until it works. But.. again kasperg knows hat he's talking about
arent the complile tools totally different?? And funjob. I have vista as well, just try running the 3-d window in shaded-poly mode. you know. click the camera button and see all the polygons. It takes an hour or so to get used to, and texturing is a bitch, but it works.
Well the -novirtualmesh worked for the pistol and the item_suit
my map layout has a room with an item_suit, a table with a pistol on top of it and outside the room is a combine soldier.
basically on start of the map, the combine soldier and the table fall through the displacement onto the nodrawbrush underneath it, yet the pistol and the item_suit remain on the displacentment..
do i really need to make the func clip vphysics for every area of my displacement?
Kinda defeats the purpose of the ease of use of the displacement
Hmm. Yeah because i checked the texture application settings in the displacement tab, and "not solid" (or whatever it is, hammer's not open ATM) is unchecked.. ok I'll look into the advanced compile options, thanks for the help.
I've been messing around with displacements, just doing some out door scenery and such, and when i go to throw a grenade, or a prop_physics, they just fall straight through the displacement. I can't seem to fix this..
I vote yes My computer votes no. I'm moving to half life 2 sp as soon as i can get photoshop to make some textures because the default hl2 texture pack blows.
Did i mention that the default hl2 texture pack blows?
ok that's a bit much. How about 6 days a week, with a rotating schedule. you'll start with tuesdays off (today) then next week, monday off, and so on and so forth