... sigh
I expected better of you, Mr. Goat.
First off, the only time I have flamed in this thread is when someone has attacked me. Yet I'm the only one who 'flames omg?!?!'? Someone calling me a crybaby who makes a big deal out of things is just fucking stupid, especially considering the seriousness of this particular subject - not exactly a small deal, eh?
People are disagreeing with me are being ignorant? No, I'm not saying that. People basing their opinions when they haven't read posts and don't know the facts are being ignorant. Not me.
I'm not proving my point with flaming, I'm defending myself. People are attacking me for making accusations and god knows what else, and I haven't done anything fucking wrong.
At first, I was replying without anything too bad in my posts. Then when people started abusing me, flaming ME, THAT is when my flaming started. I'm not gonna let people fucking do whatever they want to me and get away with it. Like I said, don't fucking fuck with me.
I'm not acting like a child here, it's the idiots who keep bringing this topic back up, even after it was almost resolved. Then some dickheads just had to come in here and start it all again.
Good stuff.