this Bm:E mod wouldn't happen to be using the idea I wrote up about how they escaped BM does it?
Something like the story I posted:
Eli and Kliener start in the room where you meet them the first time (the room right after the control room). they get out of the area by going down the thing that brought the sample up. You play as Eli and have to get to the dormatories to get Alyx, then escape. Kliener generally follows you, although there are parts while he waits back at a part that you are forced to come back to get to where you need to be. you leave the complex after a while and end up meeting Barney Calhoun and the other sci's driving away from BM, as in the end of Blue shift. go drive with them, fades, you get to an airport. The military is covertly locking down the airport as to not arrouse suspision of the BM incedent and of the scis escape. you have to get to your plane without being noticed by the military. If you do its game over. It ends up that Rosenfeld and his buds go to Austriaia or something, while Eli, Kliener, Barney, and Alyx go to berlin germany. All are somewhat safe from the soldiers. Then it shows the portal storms and combine invasion and all that in little cut scenes that take place over a year or two. see the HL timeline site and the part in Urbanebula's and I's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction where Tom makes his long speech about what happend to explain that more. then you step into the shoes of a rebel trying to help form the resisance under the BM escapee's fighting the combine and such.