pfft. real life, it sucks for inspiration. its so unrealistic
if thats really your views then look at some mods very closely, or even just play through hl again. i think half life and its mods are the best place for inspiration, as they show what can/cant be done with the engine.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-28 11:55:56 UTC
in ToDoPost #45895
and live forum updates delieered to your mobile phone!
seriously though, the emails is a good idea, and it would help more if you could choose to get a reply when a certian member posts in that thread. for instance say i was posting m0p a question and i didnt know his email adress. i could ask it in the stuff forum and have it set so that i was emailed when he replied.
thhe ship is basically a game of assasination where you have 2 names of importance. theres your name, and your quarrys name. you need to find your quarry and kill him with weapons found around the ship. but you also have a hunter working to kill you. you can do loads of stuff to aviod him, like hiding in vents, changing clothes or just running. iven asked on the forums when people are online most so ill give a reply here when i get any info.
so just because you think xbox supports a company that monopolized the pc market, you think that its somehow WRONG to own one. that leaves you with 2 choices in the consolem arket, ps2 and gamecube.
ps2: mediocre graphics, cheap console ports and as has already been said, average japanese turn based games.
2 ways to make corridors: you can use the quick way which can fill your map with loads of errors by creating a block and carving (we have tuts on it or you can use the hammer help file) OR you can make each surface brush individually which gives you more control but can take longer when you first start off with this techniuqe.
calm down. theres been worse. we had alot of problems with that kaptn krunch guy and we didnt ban him. he posted 1 thread and 1 map. krunch did alot worse (i.e constant flame towards the moderators ((who uses the word "geek" anyway?)))
dont make them the same shape, if the wires are cylindrical, just make the trigger hurt sqaure. another idea would be a custom texture for a drooping wire? cs had some.
fine. ignore my question. derail the topic at hand with level triggers (which are easy by the way, i just used my first today and it worked instantly.)