Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-02-08 17:41:17 UTC
in Mapping Tips Post #15701
(idiot) ^

Think small, halflife uses an engine over 5 years old and most of your 'grand ideas' will have to wait till halflife 2 or be moved to something more scalable.

Whats new is generally good. Learn to texture for yourself, a new coat of paint can give life to a dull map. A FRESH (custom textures) coat of paint can put your map above those that use whats included with the mod you're mapping for or the standard halflife.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-08 17:36:19 UTC
in Worldcraft Post #15699
no but he should be
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-08 17:35:56 UTC
in Unbreakable glass... Post #15698
It doesnt matter how thick a wall is, the bullet always travels through if its in the same vis area. You have to double wall as mentioned above, if the null texture is put in the middle noone will notice either.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-07 16:55:06 UTC
in School and Hammer Post #15599
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-07 16:54:18 UTC
in Worldcraft Post #15598
more like 10 meg of useful content
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-07 08:10:52 UTC
in School and Hammer Post #15565
Bono estente, efffeffeffeffeffeffeffeff chris waddle, sminky pinky scorchio! Butros butros gali.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-07 08:08:59 UTC
in 1000 TOPICS! Post #15564
I know, it f**king huge and unweildly, I don't know why they ever bothered making something so utterly useless in combat
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-06 19:06:43 UTC
in School and Hammer Post #15531
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-06 19:05:16 UTC
in My force powers... Post #15529
The Simpsons seems to go on forever, and makes about as much sense as that Futurama quote these days. Although it will only end when the voice actors are LYNCHED BY A LARGE MOB FOR NOT LETTING THE SERIES DIE WHEN IT WAS GOOD.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-06 19:03:41 UTC
in 1000 TOPICS! Post #15528
I think someones an idiot who thinks that the SQL/OQL this database uses has an unsigned 10bit datatype
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-06 15:21:26 UTC
in Your FINAL Compile switches? Post #15450
me, the planes reducer is useful, but he really should rewrite CSG with a bigger data value than unsigned 16bit, you can only reduce planes AFTER csg which has a limit of 65535
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-06 15:19:38 UTC
in My force powers... Post #15449
slackbladder more like!
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-06 15:19:27 UTC
in School and Hammer Post #15448
but you're too young to have an opinion, in my opinion
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-06 15:18:32 UTC
in I'm sick of fighting Post #15447
i'm sick of you masterofmuppets, does that count?
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-05 22:43:09 UTC
in School and Hammer Post #15406
I miss the picture of you that stops me from taking your posts seriously
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-05 22:41:33 UTC
in 1000 TOPICS! Post #15405
nah its still 1000 according to the forum, atom probably didn't expect there to be more than 1000 posts and so somehow created a 9 6/7ths of a bit data type
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-05 14:44:14 UTC
in My force powers... Post #15364
It feels crap because if you are pure light or dark you're stuck with 2 useless force powers.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-05 14:42:22 UTC
in School and Hammer Post #15363

I am at primary school, they have set a time period in which we just busy ourselves while the teacher looks at porn on his laptop
I have chosen to bring my parents laptop in and map during this time period, while everyone in the class stares at me for being such a flamboyant geek
I am proud of this for some reason
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-05 14:38:44 UTC
in Ratio for a circle Post #15359
pie x radius gets a good circle
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-05 14:37:53 UTC
in bsp to map? Post #15358
There really should a forum rule for decompiling under these circumstances.
If you really REALLY need to see the maps then ask the respective authors and they might email you back some snippets.

Although as CS is now a retail game this is unlikely.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-05 14:36:36 UTC
in Worldcraft Post #15357
I think what he means is will hammer ever incorporate a formal scripting language. There was an attempt with this a while back, but it tended to be a bit buggy and unpredictable, plus it was slower than using entities anyway!
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-04 19:59:11 UTC
in I'm sick of fighting Post #15280
and anything I post that happens to be slightly out of relish context cucumber
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-04 19:58:16 UTC
in crapy junk in the map vault Post #15279
you moved the map vault to a forum post? impressive
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-04 19:57:42 UTC
in now you can laugh vassy Post #15278
can I call myself a nerd on the edge of the epitomy of geek?
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-04 19:56:46 UTC
in My force powers... Post #15277
When I finished Jedi Academy (the first time, where I didn't speed run the whole thing in 5 hours) I ended up with

Jedi powers:
-Force Absorb 3
-Force Heal 3
-Force Protection 3

Dark Jedi powers:
-Force Grip 3
-Force Lightning 3

hmm, something seems familiar..

Although it all boils down to the fact that for the other force powers -
force rage is rubbish
mind trick is SO USEFUL YEAH

and its a weigh up between force drain and lightning, both of which are useless and don't seem to harm anything.

Jedi Academy, 'you can choose between the light/dark side!!1', when you come to a point in the game where it basically just says 'If YOU WANT TO BE DARK SIDE PRESS YES, ELSE YOU BE LIGHT SIDE OK/CANCEL/APPLY'
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-04 07:02:04 UTC
in Your FINAL Compile switches? Post #15162
(copied from my other post)
my normal rad string is:
hlrad.exe -bounce 0 -chop 128 -lights "somerad.rad" -chart -estimate ""

My full rad string is (for a full compile of a large map):
hlrad.exe -sparse -bounce 4 -chop 64 -coring 0.2 -smooth 80 -lights "somerad.rad" -chart -estimate -extra ""

If you want an explanation, I put up what most of the switches mean here
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-02 17:56:53 UTC
in Serious people only! Post #14996
I wish I had an uncle with more money than sense :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-02 17:56:13 UTC
in Funny errors! Post #14995
I broke your little heart, diddums. Look at me, this is me caring, i'm the magical man and i live in a gingerbread house on lollypop lane. I care so much I'm crying the blood of baby jesus christ, thats how much I care.

Now THATS sarcasm

oh wait, cynicism

oh im banned
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-02 17:54:03 UTC
in One-Liners Post #14993
"there's enough c4 here to blow up EIGHT super computers"
T3 - I wish I could measure c4 in supercomputers
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-02 05:16:30 UTC
in Serious people only! Post #14919
I'll lend you a bunch of starwars prefabs as well if you want, but the fact that the whole starwars thing has been done to DEATH in much better engines (jedi knight series), I don't see the point
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-02 05:14:54 UTC
in Funny errors! Post #14918
you suck 7th :x damn mods with too much power and THEIR FINGER ON THE BUTTON :
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-02 05:11:22 UTC
in new schoolgirl cs model Post #14917
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-01 20:28:20 UTC
in Funny errors! Post #14895
I thought you understood sarcasm
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-01 16:39:45 UTC
in Funny errors! Post #14867
shutup before i post a bigger one and get banned by the vengeful 7th and Andy
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-01 16:38:48 UTC
in build error Post #14866
er, why are you hijacking someone else's thread?
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-01 11:36:37 UTC
in Funny errors! Post #14818
I made a bunch of crap like this a while back
This one was just stupid, it just happened one day

oh and to break the forums
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-01 11:30:36 UTC
in new schoolgirl cs model Post #14817
lol, did one of your buffers overrun and just start garbling out whatever was in memory at the time?
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-01 11:29:25 UTC
in build error Post #14816
given that csg missed out a bunch of textures and a bunch of textures were invalid, it's safe to say theres still no proof and i am right
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-01 07:12:15 UTC
in build error Post #14787
how is it a bad surface extents??
Teaver please READ the compile log before just spamming it up here for us to deal with, 'too many wadfiles' is a dead giveaway for the problem ffs!
The invalid texture size means one of the wads has a texture that either isn't a multiple of 16 or is bigger than 256x256 (if the width x height is bigger than 65536)
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-01 07:09:39 UTC
in unused keyvalues Post #14785
sorry, thats just me before i go out on a raid, was a good night, we nicked 3 mota's and I got my hands on some blings
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-01 07:07:19 UTC
in hlrad compile option Post #14782
don't use hammer to compile! It's more trouble than its worth and it's little dos window won't display values correctly.

get HLCC1.4, the simplest batch compiler to use thats out there. Theres a few missing options for anything added to zoner within the last year or so, but these can easily be added manually.

For a normal RAD, use - bounce 0 and don't bother with sparse, if you don't NEED sparse (meaning you don't get MAX_MAP_PATCHES without it) then don't use it! It just lengthens the compile time. - chop 128 also decreases lighting time further for non-important compiles, it just makes the lighting a lot less accurate.

-extra increases the RAD time by a factor of FOUR as it increases the accuracy of it's lighting matrix, for a normal RAD, forget it!

my normal rad string is:
hlrad.exe -bounce 0 -chop 128 -lights "somerad.rad" -chart -estimate ""

The last 2 options (assuming you are using zoners tools! If not USE THEM), chart and estimate, will allieviate your problem of RAD seeming 'stuck'. -estimate will show a much more accurate analysis of what RAD is doing, down to individual faces, so no more %age based nonsense.
Chart simply displays a detailed look at the compile, useful for debugging.

My full rad string is (for a full compile of a large map):
hlrad.exe -sparse -bounce 4 -chop 64 -coring 0.2 -smooth 80 -lights "somerad.rad" -chart -estimate -extra ""

I try to get chop as low as possible (before the compile takes forever/the tools crash), don't worry about coring and smooth, they just give a better effect. I've used sparse here as all my final compiles end up needing it.

Hopefully my knowledge of compilers will help thee.
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-31 14:01:47 UTC
in Cartoon Selves Post #14626
not exactly a cartoon though YOU THREAD RESURRECTOR
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-31 14:00:28 UTC
in Pistol Poll Post #14625

oh and sidenote, the safety catch in cstrike is wrong, its always down, which turns the safety on :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-31 13:59:32 UTC
in Geordie Windaz Post #14624
STOP RESURRECTING DEAD THREADS! before long someones going to just go and reply to posts started when the forums began..
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-31 13:58:21 UTC
in unused keyvalues Post #14623
don't make me come over there with my deagle
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-31 07:03:44 UTC
in map server Post #14567
or not, they never even replied to my email
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-31 07:03:17 UTC
in THe Brat will rize again. Post #14566
only 10 months till christmas!
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-31 07:01:46 UTC
in Food Post #14565
that flash is not and never was funny, unless you're a poor pre-pubescent
(ooh matron! alliteration! see what i did there?)
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-31 06:59:02 UTC
in unused keyvalues Post #14562
ok, the really easy to understand reason and fix for this

Hammer checks entities current keyvalues (the ones when 'smartedit' is off) against those in the loaded FGD.
If you've created a key that doesn't exist in the FGD, then it will flag it as having 'unused keyvalues'
Most common cause of this is by changing the entities angle with the compass, which adds in an 'angles' key to the entitiy with Z X Y coords.
To remove the problem from specific entities, open up the FGD and find an entity that already has an angles flag, copy it into the body of the problem entity and hammer will now shutup spamming that damn error.
If the entity doesn't need any form of starting angle information or some such, just uncheck smartedit, select the angles key and press delete, and stay away from that damned compass! :)
Never ever ever try to 'fix' the problem (using 'check for problems') as you'll find hammer tends to mess up everything.

Way back when NS used to be good, the original FGD was a mess, NO entities has proper angles flags in them and a lot of keys were undefined, which propogated this problem a lot. Took me ages but I edited every single entity in the FGD to remove the problem, thinking NS mappers would love me for the time and annoyance saved; and then I was banned from their forums and noone actually downloaded my fix. Lovely.