Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 23:24:23 UTC
in Map used to work, then didn't change Post #32882
Well everything in configuration is fine. I then went ahead and saved it as another name like deathmatch2.
Now it brings up an error.
"The system cannont find the file specified."

Do you want to continue?
***************************************//// :confused:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 21:36:18 UTC
in Map used to work, then didn't change Post #32860
I had a level made with a few things to fix.
After made these fixes and added a few crates i found out that when i previewed the map that my changes weren't there. (crates lights etc that i added.)
I think this is a compiling problem but it doesn't bring up any errors of compiling.
If anyone has any idea i would appreciate the help.

Cheers ;)