[Beta Release] cs_jungle_assault Created 20 years ago2004-08-14 10:56:58 UTC by Peace and LOve Peace and LOve

Created 20 years ago2004-08-14 10:56:58 UTC by Peace and LOve Peace and LOve

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 10:56:58 UTC Post #50925
Hey folks, just something I put together over the last week; after playing assault for 4 hours straight I decided it was a terrible map, and needed a refreshing dip in the pool of jungle warfare.
So after that poor metaphor, and more time spent compiling than mapping, here it is.
User posted image
The .zip for this map is in excess of the 2MB limit for the Vault, and I need a place to host this (zip is 4.5MB), please offer your suggestions, and comments on the map are welcome.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 11:03:05 UTC Post #50928
Map look realy cool, only those rooms look a little boring. Actualy can't say till i play the map. Where it is?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 11:05:48 UTC Post #50930
Looks nice, but too many premade models imo.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 11:41:06 UTC Post #50932
there's 7, maybe 6 models, can't really remember tbh. but what's the problem with models? they are an excellent addition to detail and they stay within the limits as far as e_poly is concerned.
But you're entitled to an opinion =P
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 12:03:49 UTC Post #50935
as for the rooms, yeah, the detail is minimal but the bsp is already 5MB so I didn't want to cause more damage to vis and rad by putting in either more models or brush based furniture.. the rooms aren't empty, they are more like cs_italy, where rooms are sparse, but with it they allow freedom of movement and you don't get stuck on usless objects like a couch or a lamp, that would probably look crappy anyway (i never did like making prefab type thingies =P)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 12:40:07 UTC Post #50944
looks nice,but with so much outside, theres better areas for the CT's to camp :
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 14:03:04 UTC Post #50956
hmm, i see your point, but you'd be surprised, i just had an 8 man test on the clan server and it played really well, very much like assault actually, you're either owning or you're getting owned lol. there's surprisingly little camping on the terror side, and you feel vunerable in the warehouse.

i now have several things i need to change before i unleash this on the general cs public, to even it up and lower the r_speeds as much as i can, and get the sewer systems used more than they are; i'm thinking a drainage passage leading to warehouse/hanger complex.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 14:55:17 UTC Post #50960
Looks nice, some repetetive textures on places though.
Ask mop for WebSpace, he has 2gb. I can host it too.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 16:11:45 UTC Post #50965
yeah, for sure, i was just looking at those screens and it does repeat itself alot. i won't be changing the outside much, as i like the uniform feel of the "jungle"

i will however re-texture the area where it looks terribly bland, and think about more detail, i've had some feedback about extending architexture and such.
i'm going to compile the final overnight and it'll be ready tommorrow, can i send it to you over msn?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 16:12:05 UTC Post #50966
Looking good!

One thing that catches my eye are some of the outside buildings, and some of the inside concrete areas...they look too flat/bland to me but if you added a small sign or light or decal to them they would look much better, without increasing r_speeds too much.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 16:20:41 UTC Post #50969
yeah man, the map takes a little under two hours to compile on my pc lol, so i am trying to get as much feedback (aesthetically, i've play-tested and gameplay has been addressed) before i do the prays to sweet jesus final compile.
i'm gonna get some signs made asap.
if i show some extracts from the .txt maybe you guys could come up with some good things to have on the signs?


A Rogue Cell of terrorists with links to Al Qaeda has captured a Proccessing Plant
on the outskirts of the Morroccan Capital.
They have threatened to destroy the Plant and excecute their captives
unless their (highly unreasonable) deamnds are met.

An International Counter-Terrorist Unit was called upon to infiltrate the area, gather recon,
and possibly move in to take out the Cell and stop any further bloodshed.

lol.. yeah i guess i went a little bit crazy but hey, it's almost like Tom Clancy :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 16:21:59 UTC Post #50970
omg i got a spelling error in the .txt lol, good thing i posted it rof..

(ps. i've posted way too much in this thread =P)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 18:04:44 UTC Post #50980
i'm going to compile the final overnight and it'll be ready tommorrow, can i send it to you over msn?
Sure, add me to msn, my mail is in my profile.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 18:53:22 UTC Post #50992
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 19:10:35 UTC Post #51002
Peace and love: The only problem is if a CT decides to camp in one of the houses, itll take forever.
And i think it's good that the Ts feel insecure in the warehouse, because in assault it can be monotonous if the Ts work right and the CTs will get slaughtered, so making the CTs job a bit easier.

Adding little details to the houses and stuff(like railings,gutters, etc.) would improve it no end, as it seems rather bland, even though the layout is good.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-15 06:11:16 UTC Post #51123
G_KID, every single possible place where there can be a rail, there is a rail. there aren't any (nor are there going to be) drainpipes, because i value the r_speeds too much (which already hit a peak in a certain area) in a few pics, you can see the tops of roofs where ppl won't be able to go, so i aint putting detail into something no-one will ever see.

and which houses do you mean? the ones with the pipes and computers etc? everything is close together, if a CT ain't in the open, or in the warehouse, he's in the sewer system/adjoining buildings. Trust me, I Tested it with 8 ppl yesterday, and there was camping, there was rushing, there was everything you get from assault but ct's stand a much better chance.

Anyway, I've compiled what I hope will be the final version. I need to test it with a few people then I'll get in touch, Zombie =)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-15 06:23:30 UTC Post #51127
nice mountain walls and small perks
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-15 07:02:36 UTC Post #51137
thanks, it took me a while to find a really good technique for them, triangles is ok, but you have to think outside the square, luckily i have a friend who is a genius, it's his technique =)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-15 08:48:26 UTC Post #51154
thnx to the good man zombieloffe, the map now has a host, the zip is 4.5MB and doesnt take long to d/l. enjoy!

Download it Here
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-15 11:22:00 UTC Post #51174
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-15 12:27:33 UTC Post #51181
My host is better;
Koti.mbnet: 7-10 kb/ps
Chello.se: 150-200 kb/ps

You choose, people.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-15 12:45:57 UTC Post #51188
Why not add some related signs to what the place would be - maybe a sign for the supervisor's office or something in the room with the truck with instructions for the driver? I'm not sure...

http://www.emedco.com is a sign manufacturer and has a number of little thumb images that might be good for inspiration/modification.

G_KID, it's possible for a CT to camp in other maps and have the game take forever...I can name a few official maps where this is possible (namely Italy and Airstrip)
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-15 12:53:40 UTC Post #51189
Koti.mbnet: 7-10 kb/ps
"Full" speed -->
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-15 13:01:21 UTC Post #51194
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-15 13:46:09 UTC Post #51200
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-15 14:47:42 UTC Post #51213
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