Lol. Black cat's fault. Not the old echo problem. He kept pressing Escape on my comp (At school) so it stopped loading the page after I pressed post. I didn't know pressing it again would make it post again...
Yeah, even though my school doesn't have hammer, I still muck about during French listening lessons (Not as easy in Spanish, our teacher's pretty strict...). Earlier I was listening to Blackadder instead of the French work. Oh, and printing out a load of complete crap...I enjoyed the printing bit
First question: Answered in the previous thread. Second question: Edit skill.cfg in the valve folder. Open it with notepad and change the values. Include it with your map when you release it.
Hmmm....even without override AI, he still won't attack. I have a solution:
Surround the area with a trigger once, except for where the player is. Make the trigger once killtarget the script or have it target another that makes the zombie get up, then behave as normal. The get up one will look better. Much better.
1: Open up the map/rmf you downloaded, select the prefab and press Ctrl+R. Choose which library you want to save it in, or create a new library. Then you can select it from the prefab list as you normally would.
2: WTF? Can't think of one what? A prefab to make? Umm...can't really help. Create one that you think will be useful in your maps.
No, select the texture app. tool, hold down Ctrl and select all of the visible sides. Rotate the texture until it travels in the right direction. And trust me, you don't want to use Seventh's rain (Sorry Seventh!). It causes extreme lag. On VERC ( there is a tutorial on making rain/snow with env_beams and a custom sprite.
Well, monsters don't work in multiplayer, except for monster_turret and monster_miniturret, which work in tfc. I think you can use those AND monster_sentry in firearms as well.
Sometimes it does lock-up/not respond etc., is this when it stops on VIS or RAD and then the mouse arrow changes to an hourglass? It's annoying, 'cos you can't see the compile progress, but it is compiling.
No, just open up config.cfg and change the line where it says bind key toggleconsole or whatever. It will probably say ~, but when I press ~, HL shuts down, so I changed it to `.