Forum posts

Posted 13 years ago2011-05-11 18:16:18 UTC
in GS Model Heaven Post #294564
That's what im saying, Striker. :nuts:
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-11 18:14:35 UTC
in GS Model Heaven Post #294562
What's more, he made that model. :)
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-11 18:09:29 UTC
in GS Model Heaven Post #294560
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-10 15:11:27 UTC
in sprite error Post #294521
You probably have the path to the sprite wrong in your env_sprite. In your case, it should be something like this:

Posted 13 years ago2011-05-06 22:02:28 UTC
in Error: MAX_MAP_PLANES Post #294347
Are you sure that rainbow is the cause of the error?

Also, func_illusionaries are obsolete in Source, use func_brush instead. Make sure you set the correct properties to make it non-solid.
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-06 19:10:59 UTC
in error with models Post #294339
Well said, Captain.
Just buy the game for $9.
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-06 16:38:47 UTC
in error with models Post #294333
Looks like he's using an illegal copy of CSS to me...
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-02 20:57:34 UTC
in Challenge: Pool Map Post #294162
Is this about scenery/eyecandy or about actual gameplay?
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-30 19:03:21 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #294096
Chicken Invaders 4: Ultimate Omelette
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-27 18:52:48 UTC
in vrad.exe constantly crashing Post #293962
See if The Mighty Atom has the Compilator setup for source compiling yet.
Sorry, but i don't, compiling Source maps outside sdk is very buggy and leads to vbsp crashing and missing materials errors.

So for the time being, there's not going to be support for Source. I might give it another try, but not for the moment.

Posted 13 years ago2011-04-24 11:20:42 UTC
in error: Mod_LoadBrushModel ... Post #293848
I took the bsp into Crafty and it looks like it's a Counter-Strike Source map, not a GoldSource map. Also, it looks like Crafty does'nt like this bsp very much as part of the world seems to disappear/reappear when viewed from certain angles, so don't be surprised if CSS is going to have issues running this map.
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-23 16:46:23 UTC
in Portal 2 is out Post #293818
Just finished it.

Holy shit!

Too bad Dimbark had the fucking nerve to spoil part of the ending on Steam chat yesterday, so thanks a lot, asshat, after explicitly anwsering your question whether or not i wanted spoilers from you with a very clear "NO", you had to spoil it anyway! What the fuck were you fucking thinking!?

So thanks for that, i really appreciate it. NOT!
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-23 12:00:07 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #293806
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-22 21:12:19 UTC
in Portal 2 is out Post #293793
The Source Engine in Portal 2 actualy got worse!
User posted image
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-18 17:56:21 UTC
in some textures i want to share ;o Post #293660
There's a Free Texture Thread, ninja, in which you can share your textures. Go ahead and post them there instead.
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-11 17:52:48 UTC
in Illegal Brush Post #293426
Yeah, but Urby had issues viewing the log file.
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-11 17:28:16 UTC
in Illegal Brush Post #293422
I cannot compile at all without HLFix enabled in the Compilator. It just makes that awful windows "dunk" sound and the compile window vanishes. unhappy - :(
Standby for new version.
I just compiled a map without HLFix and the log showed up after the compilation process.
Hopefully it's now fixed.

[b]Skals, Hunteh, Urby and Captain Terror:
Check your pm's.

I want to apologize to Urby for any inconvenience this may have caused. :(
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-11 14:19:13 UTC
in Illegal Brush Post #293409
Are you using HLFix?

Keep in mind that HLfix numbers brushes and brush entites differently. For example, let's say HLFix reports a problem brush numbered 50, and you go look for that brush number in Hammer, Hammer WILL NOT take you to brush number 50, but to a totally different brush instead that is not having any issues at all.
In other words, Hammer takes you to the wrong brush, just because HLFix numbers brushes differently, a different order, really.

That's one other thing that sucks about HLfix. I wish the shlt developers would take over the HLFix source code, fix it, optimize, even rewrite it completely and add it to hlcsg.
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-10 14:16:09 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #293312
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-08 15:45:13 UTC
in Post Your Photos Post #293233
CatTrain© ready for departure:
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
All Aboard!
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-06 14:44:36 UTC
in Competition 30 Post #293126
Maybe you should'nt explain that to us, Daubeh.

Good to have you back, btw.
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-05 14:54:03 UTC
in Unwanted light Post #293043
Are you using old tools?
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-03 18:33:54 UTC
in aaatrigger texture and entities problem Post #292938
@ Stojke: True, but in the Half-Life mapping world, it's common sense that aaatrigger textures are used on trigger brushes so that you, the mapper, can identify them as trigger brushes later on.

Whatever floats yout boat, really.
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-03 17:15:06 UTC
in aaatrigger texture and entities problem Post #292930
No, don't use any other texture for the trigger. That won't fix anything.

Take a look at this and see what you can do:
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-03 15:08:11 UTC
in aaatrigger texture and entities problem Post #292924
Maybe the brush with the aaatrigger isn't the problem. Hit Alt+P to check for problems.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-29 21:22:24 UTC
in [UTILITY] Half-Life Launch Pad Post #292675
I've already updated the first post with information about the error. :)
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-29 20:53:57 UTC
in [UTILITY] Half-Life Launch Pad Post #292673
In a nutshell it means that something, an object for instance could not be accessed or could not be found.

Are you using the latest version?
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-28 16:47:33 UTC
in Competition 30 Post #292621
Awesome, Captain, but the texture on the service structure could use some better allignment.
And why not use a different texture for the launch platform?
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-28 16:44:26 UTC
in Sigh. Wtf is your problem now, SDK? Post #292620
Actually, i created some Visual Basic .NET code to generate the vmt's. I specifically told it to use ASCII (which is ANSI) text encoding.

Yesterday i left that bit out and then it would always save as UTF-8 as UTF-8 is the default text encoding if you don't specify the Text Encoding parameter.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-28 15:04:09 UTC
in Sigh. Wtf is your problem now, SDK? Post #292611
Fixed it.
Apparently, the vmt's were saved with UTF-8 encoding. Resaving them with ANSI encoding fixed it.

Posted 13 years ago2011-03-28 12:44:32 UTC
in Competition 30 Post #292607
Could'nt agree more, Strider.

And if i don't get my custom texers working i don't even know im gonna be able to enter, at least not with Source.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-28 12:19:24 UTC
in Texture from photo Post #292605
I already have a virtual machine running 32-bits Windows XP.
It does'nt run on that either. :/

I will attempt Photoshop later.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-28 12:14:40 UTC
in Competition 30 Post #292603
Let's just keep this about visuals for once. I'd like to make mine with Ep2 assets and obviously i don't have access to those assets if i was to make a deathmatch map.

Im sure we'll eventually do the 1024³ compo as well. We can go all out on gameplay on that one so it does'nt hurt if we just focus on visuals for the currect compo for once.

Sometimes you just want to make cool stuff and not focus on gameplay. This compo is great for such an opportunity.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-27 20:42:32 UTC
in Texture from photo Post #292557
@Atom: Have you tried running it as administrator?
I did, no dice. :/
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-27 19:12:52 UTC
in Sigh. Wtf is your problem now, SDK? Post #292551
As you already know, none of things you suggested in our Steam chat worked.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-27 17:41:56 UTC
in Sigh. Wtf is your problem now, SDK? Post #292540
User posted image
User posted image
As you can see in the screenshots above, i have a brush and applied a custom texture to the top face, but it's not visible in the 3D window. You can see it's there in the face edit sheet when i select it. Also notice the black lines coming out of it. What's up with that?

It's a custom texture with valid dimensions and a valid vmt file. It shows up in the texturebrowser just fine.

What's going on here?
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-27 16:06:48 UTC
in Texture from photo Post #292531
Are you kidding me? I always thought Photoshop is the easiest graphics program to learn
Not to me. :/

@ Brollo: Texture Maker does not run at all. I've tried many compatibility modes but none of them work.

@ Hunteh: I'll give it a try as soon as i have CS5.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-27 15:41:35 UTC
in Competition 30 Post #292528
Good stuff.

I'd love to enter, but i cannot seem to think of something to make. Argh.

Think, goddamnit!
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-27 00:07:40 UTC
in Texture from photo Post #292473
Blitzkrieg, that sounds complicated to me. No way i can figure this out on my own.
Call me nuts but i've pretty much never really used Photoshop actively. Tried it a couple of times, and got lost in the menu's, options, filters and whatnot.

Yeah i tried it in XP compatibility mode. Nothing.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-26 23:27:31 UTC
in Texture from photo Post #292469
But it's also the most complicated program ever.

How is that feature called in Photoshop? Perhaps i can find some tutorials.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-26 22:42:35 UTC
in Texture from photo Post #292465
Does anyone know how to create a texture from a photo?

I've been Googling and found a programm called Texture Maker. One of its features is Texture Extraction, as demonstrated in these screenshots:
User posted image
User posted image
So i downloaded the programm, only to find out that it does'nt run on Windows 7.
The last news post was made 5 years ago so i don't this program is still being worked on.

So are there any alternatives of creating a texture from a photo like you see in the screenshots above?
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-26 21:04:06 UTC
in Gabe Newell Post #292458

Then someone should mail him and demand that whoever is responsible for the Source SDK to fix that goddamn vertices-going-randomly-off-grid glitch that has been bugging users sinse the first ever public release of the Source SDK!
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-26 20:07:46 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #292454
@ CBrollo: Only the ground and the four studs holding the mobile launcher platform are brushes.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-26 18:49:55 UTC
in Gabe Newell Post #292451
You forgot to ask about Half-Life 2: Episode Three. :(

Other than that, awesome! :)
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-26 00:21:24 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #292421
User posted image
User posted image
Just a test stand map.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-25 23:56:52 UTC
in gameinfo.txt doesn't exist Post #292419
Make sure you run "Refresh SDK Content" and "Reset Game Configurations."
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-25 18:33:11 UTC
in Explosions Post #292395
Yeah, you can use an env_sprite and assign one of the other explosion sprites. Then you can use an ambient_generic and let it play an explosion sound like the mortar hit sound (i don't remember the name of the sound, but it's there).

And finally, use an env_explosion for the damage aspect. Make sure you disable the fireball.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-25 16:34:47 UTC
in Story time Post #292384
done with "story time". Lets end it, and get back to mapping!" Jimmi
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-24 19:34:43 UTC
in Story time Post #292260
The Mighty Atom, which is from an episode title of a popular marionette television series from the Sixties, known as "

(Damn you, Joebama and Dimbark, you totally messed it up)
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-23 15:57:19 UTC
in Next Competition Post #292167
Hey, what about the Map from Wad/Vtf compo? Add this one to the poll as well, geez. :/