Forum posts

Posted 13 years ago2011-01-10 23:49:53 UTC
in HL2 EP2 FAILURE Post #288952
Yeah, the card is a bit old but the 256 on the card definitely makes the game start pulling on other resources to compensate. The paged_pool_memory may help in this situation but I couldn't say for sure.

Pretty sure that's where it's coming from...

You could try putting all your game settings to low and try a lower resolution. This might help a little.
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-10 10:28:34 UTC
in Now Hiring: Map Vault Moderators Post #288927
I don't have the time really so I am out.....sorry...

I am sure everyone is crushed...

Alot of good candidates though...

I say we take a vote!

I vote for Rimrook since he is one of the best technical mappers on the site. My second choice would probably be Soup Miner and overall he would probably make the best reviewer.

Sorry if this offends anyone...
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-10 10:24:16 UTC
in Mod team wanted: RECRUITING NOW (Source Post #288926
Dam Captain, did I make ya mad!

I think honesty is better than sugar coating something, you know?

I really hope you are right and I hope you make a million dollar hit and prove me wrong.

But really, I smell sum vapas up in here! (that's vapors son) as in, "vaporware". I can't get enough of that word. LOL, I'm ok....really.

Seriously people, what are you designing for, a cell phone game; cause that's the only thing Half Life 1 is good for anymore.

And yes dude, I said the ideas are ancient, old, past, not to be used again. Have you tried to actually convert any of these maps to HL2?

I had a whole mod for Half Life 1 that I was working on...still have it. I converted all the maps to Half Life 2 and now I hardly ever work on it. Basically, this is my point....Once you see newer technology, the old is really not worth looking at anymore. Unless, your just bored. Well, not to mention that there are so many mapping errors in all those maps that I don't really want to even try. I take a map a month and "fix it".

That vaporware word really really comes into play when you think about it in the right context. We all have to move on you know?
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-09 14:11:38 UTC
in HL2 EP2 FAILURE Post #288872
Some of the minor problems go away when you add a little more room to the paged_pool_memory. I am not saying this is the problem; I am just saying it's worth a try. If he says he has run it before it can only be a couple of things.

Follow Atoms suggestions AND change your paged_pool_memory and you problems "could" be solved. If you are running source then I suggest you buy the best possible graphics card you can afford. This goes for memory as well.
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-09 13:14:01 UTC
in HL2 EP2 FAILURE Post #288863
I think I have already asked about your system but you never answered!

How much memory do you have and what kind of graphics card do you have?

Have you updated your video drivers?

Do you have enough paged_pool_memory? google it!

Have you simply tried restarting your computer? this helps alot of the time.
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-09 12:37:32 UTC
in Mod team wanted: RECRUITING NOW (Source Post #288861
Can anyone say vaporware?

Sorry, I love that word now! It so describes this situation to a T.

I wish you all the luck but I really don't think any of the actual experienced people, including myself, are taking you seriously.

First off, my hats off to the people who did offer some help because that's what team work is all about. Lending a hand without having that hand out.

Your proposition is not all that bad. I think it just comes off a little pompous when the material that you have to show really isn't all that good.

My girl does better maps than this and she doesn't even really map all that much. Not to mention all your mapping ideas are like 10 years old.

And when Dimbark does offer you help, you again, become pompous!
Children in games can be a bit risque; only way I can see them going in is as an emotional tool but that can easily be filled by adult characters without the associated turn your head and cough treatment.
Can you explain this sentence because it really doesn't make a bit of sense to me? I won't respond any further until I get some clarification on the meaning. I am thinking that you thought you knew what you were talking about but possibly lost your line of thought. Please clarify!

What's wrong with Dimbark doing voice acting? Aren't you the same age?
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-08 21:08:24 UTC
in Source Tips and Resources Post #288840
Good for Help Anytime

EDIT: why do my links do that? on two separate lines....aaarrggghhhh

More Editing: (cool!)

This site actually has alot of really interesting maps that you can learn from. I know it says kids but you really should check it out if you want to learn more about Source mapping.

You can also check out the main site. I don't think anyone maintains the site anymore but it still has alot of good resources. Enjoy!
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-08 18:14:29 UTC
in Source Tips and Resources Post #288838
Additional Rope Tip

The above method for creating rope is ok but if you want to actually see the rope being drawn in hammer then follow this process:

1. Create a MOVE_ROPE and do not name it.

2. Create a KEYFRAME_ROPE and name it with a number (i.e. rope1 or rope_1)

3. Clone number 2, the keyframe_rope and it should be rope2 now!

Again, the only difference is that you can actually see it in hammer. Be sure to set the thickness and the material type the same for both the move and the keyframe.

The only downside to this is that hammer is really freaky sometimes and will crash with ropes being drawn/viewed at certain angles. You can always change the move_rope to a keyframe when you are said and done with all your ropes. It is nice to be able to see what you are doing when placing ropes and cables.

SORRY for the double post but this is a separate topic within the thread.
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-08 17:45:06 UTC
in Source Tips and Resources Post #288836
Hey, thanks for the tip.

I have heard Pakrat from somewhere I guess I just didn't know what it was for. Should make things a bit easier for me to distribute maps now.

Does Valve not use this set-up anymore? -wadinclude?


Hey, what about the map analyst? Have you used it? I downloaded it along with pakrat. I would prefer to just do it from hammer if this would allow me to. I know...I am lazy.
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-08 11:57:41 UTC
in Source Tips and Resources Post #288825
Do you know any good tips for adding textures to the BSP file without having to manually add every single texture? The old HL1 commands don't work on Source the same way. I haven't found a way yet but I could just be stupid.
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-07 14:11:15 UTC
in Source Tips and Resources Post #288768
I don't have a snazzy picture (I guess I could make one)

Here is a personal link to the CNCR texture packs(3) for Source.

Some are good, some are bad, and alot are just specialty textures (1 use).

Have at it! I will leave this link up for a minute:
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-06 15:44:26 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #288733
Hmm, I would answer by "it's hard", but the question just reminded me I've been a regular member for 4 years now on TWHL. By that I mean I rarely didn't visit everyday TWHL. And when I didn't, I was gone from home. I think I deserve a custom title grin - :D.
I think all of you fail to realize that I have been a part of this community for quite awhile; probably about 4 years or ever since this new version of the site came out. The banana site just doesn't cut it for me.

And I believe I log on like, everyday, sometimes multiple times a day.

At least there is some clarity on it now. I thought it was a little more random than all that. I will try and enter the next compo.
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-06 11:30:06 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #288726
I have been on Kongregate alot lately so I haven't actually played anything since I downloaded Left4Dead2.

Been working in Hammer alot as well. It doesn't help that I am married with children and work so I don't have alot time.

It's either map or I choose to map most of the time.

How exactly do you get a custom title around here?
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-03 12:15:18 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288614
And the only reason the thread continues is because good people are trying to make good and valid points which ALL fall on deaf ears.

At least Dimbark is taking it all in and possibly learning from it. I think the other two, and you know who you are, just want to fight about everything.

The admins are probably sitting back having a hard belly laugh over all this dumb crap.

And to answer your question Dimbark; no, you can't make money on it. Some engines allow you to make money but then you have to give back once you reach a certain point, i.e. 10,000 in sales. I can't remember but I think that's how Garage Games is set up. You use the engine and then when you reach the cap you have to pay out to retain the engine. Like any company really. You can rent the engine from Valve if you have that kind of cash. Then you could code away and get all that lovely, fuzzy, support you are looking for.

If you can get the Source to work for you Dimbark then I would suggest that you start learning it. You are already behind in the mapping curve as it is. You can still map for Half Life 1 all you want. For me, mapping for Half Life 1 is like 2D mapping; too easy and too boring. Setting up the mod for a Half Life 2 is sort of like a crazy puzzle.

And I like crazy puzzles!

Again, I love(d) Half Life 1 but there just isn't any enough challenges there anymore. Well, if I wanted to frustrate myself and learn the input/output system.

Are you having system crashes with Source Dimbark? Maybe your system isn't beefy enough to handle it. I know my system is right on the edge with Left4Dead fully loaded; and I mean Hammer. There are a crap load of textures and all the models are pre-cached in L4D2 so if you don't have alot of memory then you will obviously get a crash. This could be your problem as well. How much memory do you have? Just give us a system break down.

I am running a 2.00 ghz AMD Athlon 64 Bit on an Asus motherboard. I have an NVidia 6600 series graphics card. The motherboard holds two but it's pointless because they just sit there and fight for the resources. I have 4 Gigs of Memory but the system only picks up 3 (grrrr)(tactical ordering error) (lol). And all my hard drives add up to about 1 TB. And I still have a few problems and crashes! A newer graphics card is next on my list. Really, my system is shite compared to say, Huntey's new baby. I don't like Intel but I would love to have that system.

And yes, I spelled shite correctly! I'm Irish, get over it!

Source says, "can't we all just get along"?
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-02 23:59:13 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288599
Wow! All this while I was's a,'s over...dam!

Nobody is forcing anyone to use free software. What do you think mapping for Half Life 1 is? Free and unsupported as well! What is your basic point here? You will eventually step out of your Half Life 1 ways and move onto something else. Why don't you just use Unity or any of the other somewhat free engines? They all have limitations and if you don't pay for it then you really never get that support you are looking for. What do you want some hand written letter from valve saying how sorry they are for your experience? Get real and grow up!

Again, I admire the Half Life 1 engine but what does it have over any other engine currently out...nothing but ease of use. Oh yeah, and great multiplayer. It's like playing Pac-Man cause it's a classic.

You still move on people...

Are you scared to take on something you don't understand? I honestly do not, for the life of me, understand, why anyone, in their right mind, would like the input/output system for HL1. I am sorry but it's truly more confusing than any system I have ever used. The true input/output system is found in the Source engine, truly spectacular!

Out of date video drivers are one of the main reasons for hammer crashes!
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-02 13:21:52 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288565
I have been mapping with Source since it was available and I really haven't had all that many problems. Yes, it crashes from time to time but I can get alot of crashes making a movie as well. Let's not blame the software and put some of the blame on the drivers and computers that we run source with/on.

If you want to use some ancient software then fine but don't do it because it's error proof. A few errors shouldn't get you out of your comfort zone that easily. Is that all people know here, Gold Source? Anyone do anything else? 2D mapping, other engines....jeeeez.....
Well, I find joy in mapping for Goldsource. All the props in the game are the ones I design, not from a list of props from "City 17" or "Labs".
I used to like HL1 as well, because yes, it was nice and safe and fuzzy but trust me you really don't know what the piss you are talking about. I have hundreds of models for HL1 (non-valve) and I have plenty of models for source (non-valve). Resources are resources dude! You can make models for any engine you know? There's a little plug-in called propper that allows you to make models right in hammer. Wow!

Do that in Gold Source!

Have ya looked at the textures and models for Left4Dead? Insane!

Oh yeah, you can't even figure out HL1....
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-01 23:43:52 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288551
I think I am with Soup Miner and Striker on this one Dimbark.

I have been mapping since Hammer first came out. That's a long time ago...

I had big aspirations for making an awesome game or even a finished mod...

What was that word that was used...."vaporware"?

I got about 200-300 misc maps that are NOT necessarily done. It really takes a whole team and ALOT of work to pull off these epic games.

Take Strikers advice and just enjoy the experience, you don't have to make it all in one day. By the looks of it you really need a little work to overcome certain obstacles in your mapping. One of which are your measurements. Again, very important..something I overlook and took for granted in the beginning and I have alot of "error" maps to prove it.

Posted 13 years ago2010-12-31 19:48:08 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288478
"Game Awaiting Authorisation"?

anybody else notice anything here?

Click da link in Dimbark's last message....

spell much?
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-31 18:24:38 UTC
in Let us delete our own, editable posts Post #288470
It would just be nice to edit your last post in a thread no matter who has posted afterwards. I am not exactly sure how the code is set-up but I don't always get the chance to edit my last.

For me, yesterday was a prime example of the double post. I couldn't edit because Atom had already posted right after.

Having this feature would eliminate alot of double posts or multiple posts.
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-30 18:28:14 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288410
I meant that end part of the last message for potatis_invalid not crollo.

tried to edit but Atom posted before I could...

Posted 13 years ago2010-12-30 18:26:07 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288408
I am not sure what to tell you there. Use it for awhile and get used to it.

Here's the link for the plug-in. It's only good for HL2, I believe.


Does Gimp have a .vtf plug-in? and yet it's still compatible with my old a** software. I have many versions of Photoshop, including the latest version(s) but I still enjoy the simplicity of Photoshop 6. I have done alot of good work with that software so don't knock it. It's entirely better than Paint.

And you two are on the same team? Shouldn't the whole team be using the same software so it can be somewhat cross compatible. If you used some of the more advanced features of GIMP, such as author tags, watermarks, and the like you would be screwed loading it into paint cause guess what?
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-30 18:12:37 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288405
well, hmmm.....don't download it then.

good lord!
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-30 17:55:49 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288402
ma bad big dude!

I haven't used that account for anything but my phone and never actually put anything there. I apologize.

It's all good now. Open to the public. Tested by ma gurl!


24 Hours!
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-30 17:44:38 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288400
do ya have a google account there crollo?

The file is still there and the link is still the same and good.


if anyone with a google account has a problem please let me know. my gurl tried and it wouldn't let her download it simply because she didn't have an account.
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-30 17:31:50 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288396
I think we are getting off point with all this but I think I am with Urby on this one. If you are going to post WIP then you should expect to be slammed by at least one person.

I think I said the textures weren't all that bad, just a little out of scale.

I thought the conversation was somewhat transitioning into the fact that the boy doesn't have any decent texture editing software.

So, I have come up with a simple solution....

This is a link to Photoshop 6.01 w/serial. It's an older version and I feel ok with posting the link because I don't think adobe will care. This is posted on my google account so get it while it lasts Dimbark. It's a self-extracting file so just click on it once downloaded, well, after you scan it. You will need a Google account, I believe, to access the download.


It's my way of being nice...I ain't busting on ya dude but paint is for kids.
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-30 14:23:46 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288359
I usually export textures from hl.wad so that when I edit it, I already have a legit size and a good texture to work from.

I don't even know how to respond to that...

And yes, Photoshop can be "obtained" for free. There is no The reason for this should be rather obvious but I suppose some people can't read between the lines. I was trying to stay out of another piracy conversation since the last thread about this was rather lengthy.

If you can't figure it out then just use Paint....

And like I said, when you move up to HL2 then you will need something better because I don't think it supports .tga, which are needed for the Source textures.

But seriously, did you actually say that you exported them so you would know what size they are?

Really dude!

It starts out like this....8, then 16, then 32, I think 64, after that is 128. then double it to 256 and finally 512! You can go 1024 but that is a large texture. Most everything works in these lovely increments, well unless you are a modeler then you can get really really small.

Dude, if ma gurl can make textures then you should be able to!
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-30 01:28:28 UTC
in Theoretical Disaster Post #288342
It really doesn't matter what you use to make the

However, I can't see paint having alot of options that are really needed to make quality textures. You can download the free software suggested or you can get a free 30 day trail of Photoshop from At least you can try it and when you make HL2 textures you can get the photoshop plug-in and save directly as texture. No need for any kind of manual conversion.

I don't think the signs are necessarily all that bad; I just think they are perhaps a little out of scale with everything else.
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-29 17:12:23 UTC
in Spyware on my computer, Help! ! ! Post #288316
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-25 03:36:49 UTC
in Artists Post #288195
there's a ton of free pic services...
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-23 15:51:55 UTC
in HEEEELLLLP! Post #288165

You definitely have to earn your stripes around here. I know all too well.

I still love you guys!

This is the ONLY corner of the internet where there are actually people who sort of think like me.

Even you Soup, Merry Christmas from Tennesee to North Carolina.

And a definite Merry Christmas to all on TWHL!
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-23 00:23:24 UTC
in HEEEELLLLP! Post #288138
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-22 17:25:00 UTC
in Mobile Access Post #288099
I dont use the phone on my plan or i would be over my data every month. I use the wi-fi whenever i really need to surf for something.
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-22 15:52:32 UTC
in Mobile Access Post #288092
How many of you here log onto TWHL with your mobile phones?

When are we getting a mobile version of the site? (kidding)

I don't like mobile sites anyways. I usually just go to the full site when I hit a Wi-Fi Zone. Mobile sites can be annoying and limiting.

This site is the most visited in my
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-22 15:47:05 UTC
in Kongregate Contest Post #288091
Anybody going to get in on the Kongregate Unity contest?

I may re-install my Unity stuff and give this a try. It's worth $10,000!

This has TWHL written all over it. I know someone here has to have some Unity maps ready and waiting.

Huntey? gonna give it a go?
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-21 21:23:24 UTC
in Spyware on my computer, Help! ! ! Post #288075
No need to re-format and I have never, never gotten any of the spyware programs to work. Maybe it was because I didn't install in safemode; never tried that.

This is a simple virus/redirector that can easy be removed. Disco offered a few great suggestions but here are a few more to easily remove it all. In the end you may have to tweak your services that got turned on to provide you with this lovely virus.

If you can safety get into safemode then I would suggest doing so it will make things easier. Otherwise you can still do it from the desktop. Before, I say anything you should try and simply make a new user; the only thing you need to copy is your bookmarks, if you use IE and your documents. If you use your documents folder. I don't because it's a target for hackers.

As stated by DiscoStu, most spyware will edit your registry so even if you get rid of the mess it just comes right back. You will need a simple registry editor; I use "hijackthis", it's simple and straight forward and allows you to remove the entries that re-install the software. You will see the crazy entries; just delete them. You should always clean your register.

Now, pull up the task bar and locate anything that doesn't look right, i.e. some of the names from the registry. Sometimes the shell.exe process is started; you need to kill this. Locate anything that says svchost.exe and has your login name on it. Most system processes are started by the system not by your user name so any svchost.exe under your name is likely part of a spyware program. Kill these and if they are not right then you can just re-boot till you find the culprit(s).

Next, most spyware and malware programs reside in your documents and settings and are usually in 2 or 3 parts. This is why I said to simply make a new user to see if it would solve your problem. Nowadayz, any malware sitting in your actual windows folder is probably pretty serious. Concurrently, if you have a windows folder in your documents and settings->yourname then it is not supposed to be there. I am not sure how Windows 7 is set up, so I am no authority there.

You can go into documents and settings and find your user name, and right-click search on the folder and type "*" into the search bar which will bring up all the files in the folder. Next, sort by date and you should see where the malware is. It should have todays date as it's constantly modified. I usually kill anything that corresponds to the task manager and if you CAN'T delete it then it's RUNNING. You need to find it in the task manager and stop it; then re-delete.

I found this whole process entirely more easy than using a program that may or may not remove your malware. I have used spy-bot but it never really removes anything. Ad-Aware is the same way. I also know that my registry is clean and that all the tasks running are things that I actually want running. Most programs install annoying crap anyways, kill 'em all.

Like I said, your services should be looked over and tweaked to not allow things to happen in the future. Also, alot of the newer malware/redirectors will literally change your browser settings. This is probably where you are getting the deadness from. You need to go into your internet settings and change the settings so your network is automatically configured; no proxy. Well, unless you go thru a proxy server then you need to put your address info back in. I take it that this is not the case here.

I am sorry if your taskbar is toast and will not come up; lol. If it's off then search the internet for the solution. It's simple, I just forgot.

I use Mozilla and get aggravated when I get one of these pesky little malwares. And most of it comes from looking for textures on yahoo and google, thanks guys for the virus protection!

Usually only takes about 15 minutes as previously stated.
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-18 16:43:40 UTC
in My Rig :( Post #288026
I always build my systems and they have never gone over $500-600.

I get alot of stuff cheap or at least half off so that helps. And I just use my old case which is already huge and can fit whatever I need into it. I usually buy some new things like fans, etc. cause you wanna have fresh fans when you start a new build. I usually keep a big box fan on my computer anyways cause my station is always warm from my computer literally being in my desk all the time. You'd have to see a picture to understand.

I think I spent over $1000 once in my life for a computer. Now it's in my closet fried because it couldn't keep up. I don't see how people used to afford to pay these prices. My dad paid alot of money for the old Amiga 1000 that I still have. All together it was like $3000 dollars. It included a nice Amiga monitor with it so that probably costs a little itself. Not like there was much of a monitor selection back then. I still have an old Apple green screen too...well, so does my

Build on.
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-18 12:16:43 UTC
in large hl1 mod package discovered Post #288020
Wow! what the heck got started here?

I never claimed to be a pirate so let's take all the hype out of the conversation. I always seem to start these serious debates.

There are some good legal uses for Bit Torrents as well. It's not all pirated software and music you know?

And you can't justify stealing....either you do it or not. Don't say that it is good for the industry cause it's not. We all know that they would make more money from the their products if people just simply bought them.

As Huntey and other have pointed out there are plenty of places to get cheap or even free music legally.

Me, personally, I try and stay away from pirated software anymore because it does contain some nasty viruses and I don't care what anyone says; hackers who want you computer destroyed still lurk in the bit torrent world.

And movies just get you that letter from your IP. I don't know if it's really worth doing that as well since you never know if they are really going to sue you.

Personally, I only use Bit Torrents when I really really need something that I may not be able to afford right away. Most of the time I just buy the OEM version when I can because yes, I don't have to worry about it.

Stealing is can't justify it.
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-17 15:09:36 UTC
in large hl1 mod package discovered Post #287984
For me, anything that is unwanted on my computer is a virus.

Whether that is a keylogger, spyware, or the ever annoying browser redirect.

Bit Torrents are much safer than the alternative, which are/is services like Limewire and such which are loaded with viruses and bad things. I have had a few hits from places like that and even lost an entire 200 GB drive, master boot record and all.
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-17 11:37:36 UTC
in large hl1 mod package discovered Post #287980
what easier wayz are there?

Going to the store and stealing it? lol
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-17 06:05:37 UTC
in large hl1 mod package discovered Post #287974
I didn't say anything exactly, ok?

I was explaining bit torrents...

Posted 13 years ago2010-12-17 01:50:44 UTC
in large hl1 mod package discovered Post #287967
Yeah, Atom is correct. The torrent IS 5 months old. I don't know too many people who leave anything up after that length of time. I tried to force start the download and got nothing. 0/0 means no people are hosting this file. Sorry.

And Bit Torrents really aren't that different than any other archived download. You just need a bit torrent down loader. You can pick whatever you want but I use Azureus and you can find that at for free.

Have fun finding sites that actually stay up. Most of the good ones are out of the country. Obviously, where the copyright laws aren't so strict.

I like bit torrents because you can actually pick and choose what files in the archive come thru first or with priority. That way if you just want one file in a torrent that has 100 files in it you can put a priority on that one file and when it comes in it is available for immediate use. Extremely useful if you want that one song on an album and don't really want the whole thing. Bit torrents are awesome for whole albums or discographies.

And it's pretty safe. I don't think I have gotten anything from any of my downloads. Not to say that you can't so don't quote me on that when you get burned. Always scan before opening....this goes for any download really.
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-12 14:40:17 UTC
in Texturing Post #287847
I WAS going to leave this one alone, lol.

Listen to these guys....

Carving should have never been included in hammer at all. Even though I have mastered it and know when to use it I still prefer to create all my brushes from scratch. I use the clone tool more than anything.

The clip tool is also very useful for breaking a brush into more than one piece. Especially good for objects with more than 4 sides that you want to chop.

I also work in nodraw first to avoid unwanted/unseen textures. Math and numbers are your friend. Work in units of 8 and you shouldn't have a problems with textures.

Trust me, the crave tool is evil. My early maps prove this!
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-09 14:09:21 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #287779
What is all the fuss over anyways?

Source is obviously leaps and bounds ahead of Gold Source and nobody can really dispute that with any kind of information or comments.

Source was just the next step in the evolution for Half Life just as Left4Dead is the evolution to Source.

It's basically the same code--just made better every time to suit the every changing needs of the artist, who, ultimately is Valve, not us!

Me personally, I like Source because of the ease of the input/output system. Not to mention ALL the over improvements that were made in the engine since Gold Source.

Now, having said that....there are alot of people who still like Gold Source for it's simplicity and ease of use. I too liked this feature because I really really hate source for all it's down time, internet hook-ups, and freaking constant updates, some of which are not always a good thing.

I think the only thing I would really change would be the whole open source idea that valve started out with. I really think that Valve has done everyone a great disservice by becoming more proprietary like Apple. And they do this little by little without many people even noticing. And that last update was more than just pushing everything to the orange box. It really did change the fundamental way mods are made which screwed up alot of people who did alot of work.

But there again, the engine really wasn't made for us, right?

Two thumbs up for both Gold Source, Source, and Orangebox!

It's still free for now....
Posted 14 years ago2010-12-02 10:38:36 UTC
in Competition 29 Post #287548
"I've realized that all the great entries I thought of require multitudes of NPCs and therefore are not possible in either engine." - discostu

Maybe we should clarify the parameters a little better. Are we making a working level with NPC's, etc. or are we just making architecture?

I was under the impression that more of the focus should be put on the map itself and not necessarily a whole working level. I could be wrong...

I think the idea and the actual brush architecture are the most important. Technically, to me, it could be void of NPCS all together.

Not that you couldn't...I just don't think it should be judged on that.
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-30 12:15:57 UTC
in Func_movelinear Acting Strange Post #287496
I do have a working copy without the spinner and it works fine. I don't know about the whole skybox thing but I am sure it would work if you worked on it for a few.

I have mine on a on/off switch with three lasers, one red, green, blue that converge into a single white beam (well, the RGB makes it look white).

Again, once you try parenting that puppy to the spinner, it goes nuts. I tried parenting the tracks (the three points) to a single func_brush entity and then parented the brush to the spinner in hopes that it would fix the parenting problem but it's still the same.

I had some web space but it would be a pain to re-set up for just one file. Drop me a line or give me your e-mail and I will send you the .vmf.

Posted 14 years ago2010-11-30 12:09:00 UTC
in ?HL2 Model Question? Post #287495
Ultimately, I have to agree with you. It's a collision problem and it's what I suspected the whole time.

I have XSI and have used it a few times. I guess I will stick to the simple stuff for now until I get some real time to sit down with XSI and actually learn it. I will use your tutorial as a guide.

I do appreciate your help though.
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-29 18:58:21 UTC
in Func_movelinear Acting Strange Post #287481
There are obviously other ways to do it. I am not sure what you are referring to the origin unless you can drag the center origin to the destination somehow and then it knows. Some entities have multiple ways of doing things.

I got it to work by setting the angles at 45,135,270 and setting the travel distance to 32, speed 10. And then used a trigger to setposition 1. The only problem was getting all three moving lasers to parent to a spinning object and still work. I always have problems with parenting.
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-29 18:52:53 UTC
in ?HL2 Model Question? Post #287480
I tried that and it compiled fine but still the same problem and it pretty much deleted the collision map. Maybe I am retarded but these are the errors. And these are from hammer not studio.mdl.

2.463800 -2.286000 0.000000
-3.225800 -4.318000 0.000000
2.463800 -9.804400 0.000000
2.463800 6.197600 0.000000
make_triangles:calc_triangle_representation: Cannot convert
-3.225800 -4.267200 0.000000
2.463800 -9.753600 0.000000
2.463800 6.197600 0.000000
2.463800 -6.299200 0.000000
make_triangles:calc_triangle_representation: Cannot convert
-3.225800 -4.267200 0.000000
2.463800 -9.753600 0.000000
2.463800 6.197600 0.000000
2.463800 -6.299200 0.000000
make_triangles:calc_triangle_representation: Cannot convert
Posted 14 years ago2010-11-29 16:39:20 UTC
in Func_movelinear Acting Strange Post #287473
I am not trying to be insulting but I am having a hard time figuring out your map. I find all kinds of problems actually. None, that catch the editor's attention but it definitely got mine.

1. Why are you trying to do all this in the skybox? Why not move all the
entities into your map.  I am not sure if this is causing a problem.
Maybe someone else can pipe in on that one.
2. Da spinner don't spin. Not sure if you are waiting to troubleshoot the
other before you start da spinna.
3. You got skybox texture on just one side of your boxes. Coat ALL sides.
I have tried the whole no-draw/skytexture thing and I think it causes
problems. I know you are using the device texture....
3. Most importantly, and I believe this to be your main problem. You
func_linears are not defined.  Meaning, they don't do anything.  They
move one block to the right EVERYTIME cause that's what you have it set
to.  Getting a func_linear to move perfectly in a diagonal is going to
be tricky.  The destination could be off by a block or two, well, unless
you are a rocket scientist and can figure all that out.  Someone might
able to help you with that.  I believe a func_train and a few
path_corners would allow you to accomplish your goal much better. If
you use the func_linear then I would suggest making the actual blocks
a uniform shape, i.e., 1x1, 2x2, 4x4.  This will make the diagonal
calculation a little more smooth.  Then count the number of blocks to
the center and use that as your travel distance.  Be sure to set the
angle correctly as it will move in the direction you set it to, even up
and down.  It will only move in this direction and back.
example: You have a func_linear that you want to move up and down. The
distance between your floors is 256. Below are the position sets.
Note: these numbers can be negative, i.e. -256.
position 0: (start)
position 1: 256
position 2: 512
position 3: 1024
etc, etc., you can have as many positions or points that you want but they will all be multiplied by your travel distance. You can set the positions with an input into the entity. I think it is something like setposition 1,2,3, etc. Trust me, it confused me for a minute too until I figured it out.

I would fix it up for ya but you would never learn anything so I hope this helps and keep up the good work! You really don't need the skybox.

EDIT: I did get the func_movelinear's to work for me. You just have to set their angles seperately and set the move distance. Don't spin them or whatever you did to get the angle. And I did see that the spinner was on, my bad. I had the same problems however when I parented the tracks to the spinner. I tried parenting everything to the spinner but more problems.

Those are the only two main problems I saw overall.

1. Fix angles on func_movelinear and set distance.

2. unParent the tracks from the spinner.

Posted 14 years ago2010-11-29 12:51:30 UTC
in Func_movelinear Acting Strange Post #287472
I could have used the real .vmf but I got it.

I will look at it soon.