5. The Monastery - PainkillerI'll be honest. I prefer games to have a deep story and I'm not often pulled in by the endless kill arena style shooters. Painkiller kept me entertained throughout and one level that always stuck with me was The Monastery.
This video is a perfect summary of the levels eery qualities from the music itself, to the whispering caves beneath the main building and the utterly horrifying bell chimes (check at 4:14 in the video... seriously) which you can hear grow louder and louder as you climb to the top of the tower to end the level.
4. DM-Morpheus - Unreal TournamentThere have been remakes in Unreal Tournament 2004 and will likely be another in Unreal Tournament 4 (or whatever the new one is going to be called) but the original Unreal Tournament had the BEST version of DM-Morpheus and I sunk an embarrassing amount of hours into it in my youth. Playing on a LAN with just a friend and my brother in law, the low gravity skyscraper arena was the ideal map for Insta-Gib and never stopped being fun. I even fired it up recently in classic UT against some bots and while it was nowhere near as much fun as with real people the level still totally holds up.
3. Bounce - Half-LifeI don't even need to include a screenshot of this one. You've all played it. This is another one that really comes back down to the old LAN network back in the day. This map was what drew me to sniping in games and it's a play style that has stuck with me through Team Fortress, Battlefield and the Unreal Tournament series. So many places to hide and yet, you can still dominate your foes if you find a good spot with access to more crossbow bolts.
2. Snowy Park DM - Medal of Honour : Allied AssaultYup, so this is another LAN favourite from my early teens. Once again just me, my brother in law and a mate, all sniping each other. This is different though. Snowy Park DM took place in the dead of night, the wind howling with distant war sounds echoing through the trees. Not only that, but aside from a few areas with lamps, the map is covered in fog and you can only see a few hundred metres in front of you. Genuinely tense and probably the only time I have cowered behind a rock, terrified to move IN A GAME.
1. Caribbean Catastrophe - Duke Nukem - Life's a BeachOk so when I was a kid, Duke Nukem 3D was my absolute favourite game (and I am yet to forgive 3D Realms for the monumental fuck up and Gearbox for releasing the monumental fuck up). Every level of Duke Nukem 3D and most of it's expansions took place in massive city environments, all taking place at night (or in space). Duke Nukem - Life's a Beach was a Caribbean themed expansion which replaced all the enemy sprites and wa with holiday themes and changed the skybox to a clear blue sky.
The opening map named Caribbean Catastrophe, not dissimilar to the name of the first DN3D level Hollywood Holocaust, starts with you surfing onto the beach before fighting your way through a hotel with a fountain, a shark tank, a pool, a gift shop and a bar. Not to mention that you can access all the hotel rooms and the elevators all play terrible elevator music to boot.
Huh... I guess no level has really impressed me since the early 2000s... Get it together games industry!