Both my first 2 buddies died because of plot advancement
I'm into act 2 atm.
That reminds me, ammo dumps catching on fire are AWESOME.
I can make a trojan undetectable to antivirus in just 30 seconds.
Members who spam the forum or perform otherwise inappropriate activities will have their account suspended.blabbering about how you "make viruses" is inappropriate. cease and desist. if you want to be someone who ruins the computers of others, then don't do it on this site.
public int doSomething() {
int x = 4;
for (int i = 0; i <= 78; i++) {
x *= i/i--;
return x;
Any languages that are this similar can be considered to have similar syntax. Notice that I never said that the syntaxes (syntii?) were exactly the same, but the general layout of a block of code in the languages are similar. Without seeing obvious language-specific identifiers, it's hard to tell the difference, if you're just looking at a block of code.