I've checked out a few user reviews on metacritic (Which I now find far more reliable than official reviews)
There are currently 105 positive reviews and 32 negative which is a nice gap in my eyes. What puzzles me is a lot of the negative user reviews, and even points made in the official reviews, complain about how they've stripped out a few of the systems seen in Far Cry 2... What exactly are they missing about it. The complete lack of wildlife other than zebras? The absence of ANY friendly AI? The buddy system? FUCKING MALARIA!?
These were all utterly shite features! Why would you ever want anything to do with them ever again?
Regardless, I will be getting Far Cry 3 (for Christmas now, I'm poor). If it holds on to some of Far Cry 2's good features and adds more wildlife, RPG elements and weapon customisation, I say that is a very, VERY good thing.
(I'm gonna customise me a sniper rifle.
In other news, BF3 Aftermath was unlocked yesterday. Not tried it out yet but I've heard good things.