Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2008-12-11 17:41:31 UTC
in Compo? what gives? Post #259779
You guys ever gonna judge the compo or what? I know you work but come on guys. You have been making promises for a couple of week here and still nothing. I was kinda hoping to have a new compo by now. It's just a puzzle map, slap some stickers on these puppies and get 'em out. Can't be all that hard to write a few reviews can it? Don't mean to be critical just stating the facts. And yes, I work and I have run my own site before so I know how much time it takes for both. Come on guys, we need a new compo.

Posted 16 years ago2008-12-11 17:33:20 UTC
in Comp From scratch: Motherboard Post #259778
FYI - Tiger Direct has good deals on memory right now. I just got 4 gigs for about $100 but that is DDR not DDR2. There are still some good deals for DDR2 memory as well. And yes, I will change over when I buy another motherboard I had just bought this one when the stupid memory changed over to DDR2.

ASUS motherboards rules, don't buy the other garbage, it will let you down!

Posted 16 years ago2008-04-29 03:33:05 UTC
in triangle floor method Post #249369
wasn't paying attention.....sorry big guy.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-28 21:36:04 UTC
in triangle floor method Post #249362
I posted a little simple map for you in the example maps. It's not much and it's really old so you'll have to re-texture it. I put a hl2 .vmf file in there as well. A little more updated but not much. Always use displacements for half life 2 as they will save on your overall render. Hope this helps.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-28 20:22:30 UTC
in triangle floor method Post #249360
why use the triangle method when you have displacement surfaces. But I guess if you are mapping for half life 1 then you would still use this method. Vertex manipulation really isn't all that hard--you just need to be in the right view box. I have an old half life l map that uses triangles for the floors. Actually, it is floor, hills, and a little pond all using the triangle method. I will upload it if you would like. I will have to find it.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-27 15:18:53 UTC
calm down.

these are some hardcore people on this site and all of the mapping sites. They know exactly what they are doing and have been doing it for awhile.

If someone here says you need to work on things then you should listen and come up with a better approach than your original one. You know, where you sound like you are a mapping god or something.

This is exactly why I don't post too many of my maps or ideas here, because they need to be somewhat complete and give people that nice warm fuzzy feeling. I have alot of maps but not too many that are "complete" or even have a hint of a story line.

I am a mapper not a story teller....
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-27 01:48:47 UTC
We are just supposed to take everything you say on good faith and lend you help when you say that the content that is "going to be delivered" isn't even going to reseamble the video you linked to? I am confused really.

I give the game in the video a 2 out of 10.

You have alot of doors, and a dead scientist....those are nice. I guess?

The map looked clean over all....saw a few mapping glitches but I guess it's ok for gold source. I can't believe people still map for half-life 1.

(don't everyone hit me at once)(i don't like half-life 1, sorry!)
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-25 12:39:13 UTC
in HELP with hammer Post #249162
Are you mapping for Half-Life 1 or Half Life 2? Big difference with the set-ups. Usually HL2 sets everything up correctly unless you have been tampering with the options too much. If this is the case then you can find examples on many sites on how to set-up both Hammer for Hl1 and HL2. Neither are too hard to figure out but they must be set-up right.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-25 12:35:21 UTC
in HELP with hammer Post #249160
I have used hammer to compile ALL my maps and I have never had this problem. These kinds of problems are usually a setup error or the system CANNOT find the file. Make sure you go thru the WHOLE setup process and make sure the system is finding the file. I agree with whoever said to make a simple map; i.e., a simple player start and try to compile it. There should be NO problem with a simple player start. If this does not work then you have a setup error. If it does then your map is screwed.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-17 15:06:58 UTC
in HL2.exe crash Post #248875
actually I had some of the same problems with a few of my maps but all i did was reboot the machine and everything was fine. alot like getting red boxed when you try to clone something. anybody every gotten red boxed. what the heck is that anyway?

but seriously, alot of those hl2.exe problems can be resolved by rebotting your system. I delete my cache files from times to time as this seems to help some problems but those don't crash the system.

this probably didn't help :(