Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-04-06 23:01:59 UTC
@RotatorSplint: To begin with it freezed, needing me to manually restart but now it can also restart itself.

@Ant: Yes I've tried everything with no luck

But I think I know why it happens. The old story of the PCs resources being stretched and overheating. Never used to do it before though so there might even be a corrupt driver (video) so I've decided to basically take PC apart, clean, re-assemble, reformat. My new hdd of 3 days is apparently already corrupt and damaged yet readable and even starts up properly sometimes with other times the computer saying nothing is there!!.. God knows what's going on :confused:
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 22:15:15 UTC
I've had a look at all previous posts but I can't find any solutions and most threads were from 2004 - 2006 (ages ago)

So anyway, I got a new hard-drive for the same PC that had Hammer installed on before... latest drivers for everything yet within minutes of opening Hammer my PC just freezes completely causing me to restart.

Rarely it works for no more than 30 mins then the PC restarts itself without warning. I never had this problem before so please help me as trying to map with this cr*p going on doesn't help :tired:

Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 22:02:15 UTC
in seb_Carentan - NEED TESTERS Post #218175
Once again, as I do say, it exists but it's in an early stage.. well it WAS in an early stage - my hdd died so I had to acquire a new one and start again - trouble is, Hammer's acting horrible as it keeps freezing my whole system as soon as it's launched or it randomly gets my PC to restart... :tired:

But yes, I'm determined to get it out there and Ill get some screenshots up as soon as I sort out Hammer.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-30 09:05:44 UTC
in seb_Carentan - NEED TESTERS Post #217524
"Thing is, it'll probably take another week or two before it's ready for Alpha but I wanted to ask in advance for map testers."

As I clearly said it's not done yet :zonked: - I just want to know "in advance" who might be interested... but if you're like that then I can put some screenshots up when I add the lighting and 3d skybox etc.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-29 19:47:04 UTC
in seb_Carentan - NEED TESTERS Post #217469
Hey, I'm currently mapping Carentan for Day of Defeat: Source and it's nearly complete in the Alpha stage (so expect some minor problems still) but before I move on to apply advanced textures, displacements etc. I want a few people to have a run around so I can see where there are choke-points, dead ends or if the map is too one-sided.

Thing is, it'll probably take another week or two before it's ready for Alpha but I wanted to ask in advance for map testers. I need to sort a server first unless I use Himachi but we'll see...
  • If you have Day of Defeat: Source and want to test a new map then please send me a PM

Posted 17 years ago2007-03-26 18:53:43 UTC
in Overlays are black ? :S Post #217148
I've used overlays before and they come out fine but for some reason on my current map, once ingame they're all black / in shadow.. once I put my flashlight on it the overlay can be seen. I haven't got a complete skybox around my map yet and I have no light entities of any sort installed either... What is problem? :o
