Forum posts

as of the 25th anniversary update the standard menu backgrounds are cropped to fit into the widescreen aspect ratios, not sure how you'd go about fixing that though :/
Posted 7 months ago2024-07-06 22:19:23 UTC
in TWHL Tower: Source Post #348955
hey you never know for sure if it's actually coming out ;)
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-03 07:44:59 UTC
in Is GoldSource still cool Post #347679
no? there's still plenty of people modding goldsrc
Posted 1 year ago2023-03-07 13:01:52 UTC
in I need severe help with a model Post #347377
you have a ` before $modelname "v_shotgun.mdl", that might've caused studiomdl to freak out like that
Posted 2 years ago2022-11-13 17:55:49 UTC
in Ambient_generic doesn't work in-game Post #347082
I'm having the exact same problem with GoldSource. Loop is checked. Nada, no sound whatsoever.
make sure "start silent" isn't checked and that the sound actually has cue points so it can loop.
if it doesn't, use something like goldwave to insert cue points at the start and end.
Posted 2 years ago2022-11-06 09:04:05 UTC
in What does grass density mean in j.a.c.k? Post #347045
what game FGD do you have loaded? it might be some game/mod specific thing
Posted 2 years ago2022-10-01 07:58:49 UTC
in Ambient_generic doesn't work in-game Post #346911
you don't need to add nodes, uncheck "is not looped", and increase the max audible distance to something like 1024.
Posted 2 years ago2022-09-08 08:51:39 UTC
in Strange issues with J.A.C.K editor Post #346863
make sure you don't save your map with UV lock turned on, apparently that can corrupt the faces
Posted 2 years ago2022-03-27 08:37:29 UTC
in Shiny missing texture? Post #346373
i'm pretty sure that only shows up in hammer, in game it should look normal
yeah, the random texture tiling is also really broken on opengl renderer, so you just have to rip the individual textures from halflife.wad and remove the special flag from the names of the textures and put them into your own wad. or just use a different texture for those walls
you could take a look at absolute zero code and see how they did it
Posted 3 years ago2021-09-03 19:50:04 UTC
in Half-Life old build: "logo.avi" Post #345920
well then good luck
Posted 3 years ago2021-09-03 14:31:46 UTC
in Half-Life old build: "logo.avi" Post #345916
can't add the old WON menu back in without the goldsrc engine code
Posted 3 years ago2021-06-29 18:18:40 UTC
in TWHL Tower: Source Post #345713
i might make a map for this :combines: :hammer:
might try this out later today
Posted 3 years ago2021-03-10 18:26:08 UTC
in Ode to Lockdown [Map Jam] Post #345418
lol i completely forgot about this jam and the map i was making for it :combines:
i should have the map ready by the 21st :freeman: :hammer:
Posted 3 years ago2021-02-27 14:27:59 UTC
in Half-Life: Opposing Force code modding? Post #345380
yes, you should
Posted 3 years ago2021-02-26 16:12:58 UTC
in Half-Life: Opposing Force code modding? Post #345376
wait, i thought Hyper was just handed off to another modder, was it really cancelled?
Posted 4 years ago2021-01-31 00:40:18 UTC
in TWHL! Sound off! (who are you) Post #345306
holy cow i never thought there were actual cheese vending machines lol
Posted 4 years ago2021-01-30 03:31:45 UTC
in TWHL! Sound off! (who are you) Post #345302

About You

Name: cambreaKer (my actual name is gonna be a mystery :combines: )
Age: 15
Hometown: born and used to live in Poland, but since 2015 i live in Germany
Relationships: nope
Occupation: school
Current goal(s): finishing my Half-Life: WAR mod and a crappy little game i'm working on in FPS Creator :D maybe even actually learn C++ one day haha
Politics: not interested at all
Religion: used to be a Christian (sorta) but nowadays i'm not religious

Favourite Things

Food: pizza, spaghetti, the good ol' schnitzel's, and lasagna. also, cheese - if The Core won't have a cheese vending machine it's gonna be a 1/10 from me :ciggie:
Hot drink: tea, preferably mint tea, that stuff's great
Cold drink: cola
Snacks: chips, mostly Lay's sour cream & onion, those are great
Movies: ehh i watch movies very rarely, so i can't really say what's my favourite one.
Videogames: definitely FPS games. Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Delta Force, Timesplitters, Call of Duty (the old ones) and even crappier games like Terrorist Takedown and Code of Honor hold a special place in my heart. i also like third-person-shooters, like Max Payne or the GTA games.
Music: i like various genres, rap, hip-hop, pop and some other ones. i also for some reason really like listening to game OST's really often
Other: modding games, mapping and even making crappy little games sometimes. i really enjoy mapping in particular, especially mapping for Goldsrc engine games. i've also made quite a few games, mostly with FPS Creator, sadly most of my early work is lost but maybe that's for the better :D

Disliked/Hated Things

Food: mortadella, that stuff sucks.
Hot drink: can't really think of that from the top of my head
Cold drink: not sure 'bout that one either
Snacks: gonna have to do some hard thinking about that one
Movies: like i said, i watch movies very rarely, so not sure #4
Videogames: i don't really like strategy games, i liked C&C but others, not so much.
Music: "mumble rap" songs, that stuff is just horrible
Other: that one store from which i bought hl2 goty edition back in 2013 and it turned out to be a friggin' used copy and i couldn't play it!
Posted 4 years ago2021-01-26 19:31:19 UTC
in The mods that never were Post #345281
i had 2 abandoned mods - some people might know the first one, Half-Life: Wall (not War). which was just almost the worst mod i've made. so let me start, Wall was a mod i was trying to make back in January 2015 when i was 9 years old, and the idea of the mod.. well i don't really remember what i was trying to do with that mod, aside from lots of breakable walls. the story was really basic, there was some training hologram thing, and one time it broke so the hologram rooms became real somehow. it was a really stupid story, i was 9 after all haha. i released a shitty 1 level demo of the mod and didn't feel like making more levels so i cancelled it. the mod got really negative reception and for a good reason, it was really bad. the entire level was basically a fullbright corridor with breakable walls, monsters and weapons. unlike the 2nd mod, this mod's page on moddb still exists and you can play it if you REALLY want to.
now for the 2nd abandoned mod, "Half-Life: Generations", the worst mod i tried to make. it was a shitty beta mod that i started to "make" right around March 2015. the idea of the mod was that you could play as the "Ivan the Space Biker" from the HL alpha in the retail levels with alpha weapons and stuff, and you could play as Gordon from the final version of HL in the alpha levels, with retail weapons and stuff. it was kind of a bad idea, and even worse was the mod's page, on the description i said "i need mappers, coders, modellers, etc." which basically meant "i need someone to do all the work for me." my 9 years old brain didn't know that was a REALLY bad thing, and then i stole some shitty beta weapons pack addon for hl1 and it all became a huge trainwreck, so bad that later i contacted moddb to delete the mod page. and that's it, the story of my worst & abandoned mods.
i took a long break from modding HL until 2018 when i started Half-Life: WAR, which is a mod i'm still making and i think it's shaping up really well (don't worry, there i'm not asking anyone to do the whole mod for me lol)
this was pretty cool, happy new year! :crowbar:
Posted 4 years ago2021-01-06 23:15:36 UTC
in FUNC_VEHICLE 2020 Post #345176
definitely will be up for another func_vehicle session, the last one was hilarious! i'm also working on my map for this, should be out by tomorrow :D
Posted 4 years ago2020-12-26 18:20:36 UTC
in FUNC_VEHICLE 2020 Post #345109
i'll try my hand at making a map for this today
Posted 4 years ago2020-12-05 11:58:51 UTC
in Nice fire prefab Post #345021
that looks really nice, great work!
Posted 4 years ago2020-11-19 13:24:50 UTC
in Half-Life continuity deep dive Post #344891
I'm not 100% sure but I think I read somewhere the Vort gameplay was originally a bonus mode in PS2's HL: Decay?
yup, i have the ps2 version and there is a bonus mission in decay where you play as a vortigaunt, also there's a cheat code in that version that allows you to play through the HL1 campaign as a vortigaunt, that was an awesome bonus.
Posted 4 years ago2020-11-07 20:38:05 UTC
in How to make blood spray like in HL alpha? Post #344832
it was just a little copy&paste job from SHAFT source code, so i won't be making a tutorial on that, i think everybody will figure that out :)
Posted 4 years ago2020-11-07 14:16:23 UTC
in How to make blood spray like in HL alpha? Post #344830
oh thanks for replying, but i've already found a way to add the old blood spray, forgot to put an update here
Posted 4 years ago2020-10-31 13:42:51 UTC
in How to make blood spray like in HL alpha? Post #344813
So i'm making a mod for half-life 1 and i have a question, how can i make the npc's have blood spray like in HL alpha\day one?
i've seen a few mods have that so i know it's possible but i don't know how, can anyone help?
yes, there are some custom maps released for CS DS, even the developers made 2 custom maps after the release of the game.
most are available in game banana
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-21 14:08:59 UTC
in How to edit already existing Half-Life maps? Post #344258
i saw a couple of tools that can edit already existing entities in a bsp map
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-16 18:53:56 UTC
in Some items disappear when i test my map Post #344123
It has to be at least 16 units away from any walls on the x and y axes I think?
That fixed the issue! Thanks!
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-16 18:27:00 UTC
in Some items disappear when i test my map Post #344121
Admer456 The boxes are a world brush, i might try to make them func_detail.
Dr.Orange I tried placing the ammo further away from the neighbor crate, still doesn't work
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-16 17:47:51 UTC
in Some items disappear when i test my map Post #344118
Hello everyone, this is my first post here. I'm making a Half-Life map and i have a problem where some items just disappear when i run my map.
Here's a screenshot of the map in the editor (i'm running J.A.C.K. btw)
And here's a screenshot in-game, the crossbow ammo is gone
Can anyone help?