About You
Name: cambreaKer (my actual name is gonna be a mystery

Age: 15
Hometown: born and used to live in Poland, but since 2015 i live in Germany
Relationships: nope
Occupation: school
Current goal(s): finishing my Half-Life: WAR mod and a crappy little game i'm working on in FPS Creator

maybe even actually learn C++ one day haha
Politics: not interested at all
Religion: used to be a Christian (sorta) but nowadays i'm not religious
Favourite Things
Food: pizza, spaghetti, the good ol' schnitzel's, and lasagna. also, cheese - if The Core won't have a cheese vending machine it's gonna be a 1/10 from me
Hot drink: tea, preferably mint tea, that stuff's great
Cold drink: cola
Snacks: chips, mostly Lay's sour cream & onion, those are great
Movies: ehh i watch movies very rarely, so i can't really say what's my favourite one.
Videogames: definitely FPS games. Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Delta Force, Timesplitters, Call of Duty (the old ones) and even crappier games like Terrorist Takedown and Code of Honor hold a special place in my heart. i also like third-person-shooters, like Max Payne or the GTA games.
Music: i like various genres, rap, hip-hop, pop and some other ones. i also for some reason really like listening to game OST's really often
Other: modding games, mapping and even making crappy little games sometimes. i really enjoy mapping in particular, especially mapping for Goldsrc engine games. i've also made quite a few games, mostly with FPS Creator, sadly most of my early work is lost but maybe that's for the better
Disliked/Hated Things
Food: mortadella, that stuff sucks.
Hot drink: can't really think of that from the top of my head
Cold drink: not sure 'bout that one either
Snacks: gonna have to do some hard thinking about that one
Movies: like i said, i watch movies very rarely, so not sure #4
Videogames: i don't really like strategy games, i liked C&C but others, not so much.
Music: "mumble rap" songs, that stuff is just horrible
Other: that one store from which i bought hl2 goty edition back in 2013 and it turned out to be a friggin' used copy and i couldn't play it!