Post your screenshots! WIP thread Created 17 years ago2007-12-16 00:58:58 UTC by doodle doodle

Created 17 years ago2007-12-16 00:58:58 UTC by doodle doodle

Posted 5 years ago2020-02-09 13:48:02 UTC Post #343732
I am behind that case. I'll solve it!!. BTW, it looks like Marc Dacascos in John Wick 3... Looks better than the other!
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-11 20:42:28 UTC Post #343739
Almost forgot about Valentine's Day, heh.
Time to follow my tradition again. ^^
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I should make the heart a bit brighter, but either way, there's the idea. There won't be much gameplay, just use a certain object and... yeah. There will be stuff though. :)
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-13 10:48:37 UTC Post #343743
Breathtaking particles! Keep it coming!
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-13 12:36:54 UTC Post #343744
Oh, just wait 'til you see them playfully flying around the place. ;)
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-28 00:53:33 UTC Post #343810
WIP pics of a single player mod I'm working on. Would love feedback. Really hoping it feels like black mesa. (Also first post so hello!)
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Posted 4 years ago2020-02-28 01:05:12 UTC Post #343811
I feel like I blinked and suddenly everyone was amazing at mapping. Looks fantastic, Koe. Absolutely captures the Black Mesa aesthetic
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-28 08:48:39 UTC Post #343812
Estimated release data?

BTW: I have finished the Gnosis
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And the last ship, the Shiva (remember that the Osiris was destroyed...):
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Posted 4 years ago2020-02-29 03:50:45 UTC Post #343816
@Archie Thanks!

@abbadon No solid estimate on release. Like most projects, my initial 4 maps somehow turned into ~12 at this point. All but 2 are blocked out so at least I have a good idea on how it plays. Your work looks fantastic btw!
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-29 08:35:35 UTC Post #343821
@koe1 These screenshots look more Black Mesa than Valve's Black Mesa itself. My project turned into 12 maps from 3 too, but they in no way look that professional.
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-29 13:13:14 UTC Post #343822
@abbadon Love that ship

@Koe1 Holy balls that is ridiculously good. Though I hope said mod works with LD models as well. :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-29 13:16:36 UTC Post #343823
No solid estimate on release.
Oh. I wish I could start to play a good new singlepayer mod for old HL again, and yours look brilliant my friend!! :crowbar:

BTW: I have finally finished the menu background map, it has all of the ships and the cinematics play as they should!! :crowbar:
background map for Zion Warcry MODbackground map for Zion Warcry MOD
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-29 17:28:24 UTC Post #343827
I figured I'd add my latest Core shots in here was well, for old time's sake. Most have probably seen these on ModDB and Discord already...
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monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-29 19:34:28 UTC Post #343830
Holy s**t!!!!! :gak:
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-01 08:40:08 UTC Post #343835
Holy heck, so that's the room that I dreamed about last night. O.o (last screenshot)
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-02 20:02:46 UTC Post #343837
Ha, I dream about maps too. I was dreaming about Endless Rain Scientist Hunt a few nights ago. I will post a video of the map on youtube tonight if I can get OBS working in Lossless quality for those that would like to check out my favorite map.
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-02 21:48:38 UTC Post #343838
i think it's best for people to experience that map themselves and to find what's lurking in that map, that is, I hope you know about it...
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-03 00:43:11 UTC Post #343839
I agree Bruce, but no one is going to download that mod to play it. Maybe they will if they see it though. I don't want to post it though unless it's with perfect quality and yes I know about the secret. Fsr, noclip doesn't work in Scientist hunt though and you need more than one player to see the secret. Guess i'll have to show that part in half life or something.
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-07 20:27:59 UTC Post #344174
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The new APU guns, re-skinned and complete (finally). :crowbar: Well, some parts of the skin must be completed, but the model has all pipes and parts which were left undone in its previous version of year 2015. ;)
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-08 19:49:56 UTC Post #344175
Hey that looks brilliant @koe1...
Nicely done.. Mind me asking, what's the name of your mod? Does a mod page on moddb exist for it yet?
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-08 22:11:54 UTC Post #344176
Its name is Zion Warcry, it is a private projec and iIt´s almost 100% done. ;)
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-09 11:38:07 UTC Post #344180
Lol, Abbadon, he was asking koe1, not you. :P
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-09 18:19:33 UTC Post #344185
Me = Fucking idiot!! ahaha!!!, sorry. ;) Thanks Admer :crowbar: BTW: Koe1 is an artist. I´ll love to play his (or her?) mod!
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-09 19:24:30 UTC Post #344187
I'd say that both koe1's and abbadon's work looks pretty impressive. And UrbaNebula's The Core as well. And Admer456's work on terrain... good stuff. :)
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-09 23:53:08 UTC Post #344189
Thank you. You're gonna see more environmental stuff in my mod Utopia at Stake. ^^
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-10 18:40:13 UTC Post #344197
Here's something I've been working on on and off for a couple of months now.
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Dr. Orange Dr. OrangeSource good.
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-11 00:17:01 UTC Post #344198
That's looking pretty neat.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-11 15:36:48 UTC Post #344201
Estimate Release Data...Please?
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-13 11:00:13 UTC Post #344203
WIP pics of a single player mod I'm working on. Would love feedback. Really hoping it feels like black mesa. (Also first post so hello!)
Is that GoldSource?
Posted 4 years ago2020-07-26 02:44:42 UTC Post #344572
Big ol' WIP.
EDIT^ I'm not familiar with this kind of forum posting... The image is hyperlinked but not showing up in the post.

Fixed - Urby
I have a plan I have a planDeleted Scenes is the best CS!
Posted 4 years ago2020-07-26 08:10:58 UTC Post #344574
It's not showing cuz' you linked the album. You need a direct link ending with the extension, like fj39ud3.png or something like that.
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There we go.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 4 years ago2020-08-02 14:27:30 UTC Post #344584
@I have a plan: that's Goldsource, right? Looking good!

Stress-testing Hammer a bit with a custom tool and recursive templates:
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I don't think I want to compile this though...
Posted 4 years ago2020-08-02 16:47:54 UTC Post #344585
That is excellent. :o

I haven't posted anything of my own in here for some time, hmmmmmm. :3c
Time to change that.

A smol debugging overlay:
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Point ents -> boxes
Sprites -> spheres
Brush ents -> corner boxes

Some more progress on my old Quake map (it's been in sporadic development since 2017):
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While testing Advanced Development Mod with my brother one night, we decided to play on the 57k x 57k units map. Dang. He looks so small from a distance.
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Outside of Half-Life, I'm planning to start a 2-in-1 project with CryEngine 5. It'll be a game, but also a "game system", if I could call it that way...
The main thing about it is that it'll be a full-on FPS template that is good for beginners and people who are coming from GoldSrc and Source. The main thing about it will be the way entities work. I want to achieve something like GoldSrc or Source's trigger system in a modern engine.

And as a mini pet project, I am converting idTech 3 to C++, bit by bit. I've had success since the game, client and UI DLLs are in C++. The engine EXE and dedicated server EXE are also in C++. Now I just gotta actually C++-ify some parts. Efforts have been made in the entity system, since there's an engine entity interface, for example. There's a lot of work to be done, but yeah, I'm pretty happy with it so far.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 4 years ago2020-08-03 10:41:39 UTC Post #344590
@Captain P It is! Thanks!
I Wonder if Hammer could even render that out.... 0_o
Here's a lil video of the B-line to exit Hub level!
Game crashed at the end due to wonky level change
*@Admer *
I am veeeery excited about the ADM tools. A lot of the features would suit what I'm making at the moment!
I have a plan I have a planDeleted Scenes is the best CS!
Posted 4 years ago2020-08-03 15:46:50 UTC Post #344591
I'm glad someone is excited. ^^
Can I know some of the features you're looking forward to?
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 4 years ago2020-08-03 19:37:10 UTC Post #344592
Had a blast looking at all these screens, amazing work everybody.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 4 years ago2020-08-04 12:02:22 UTC Post #344594
I'm really looking forward to all of the stealth additions (Rocks, AI distraction, etc), physics, map extensions, time cycle entities, Fmod and vehicles. as well as the func_novis (which is actually a thing in CZDS, Func_stealth).

Oh! and the tools, lockpicks and the such!
I have a plan I have a planDeleted Scenes is the best CS!
Posted 4 years ago2020-08-04 14:14:25 UTC Post #344595
"Oh! and the tools, lockpicks and the such!"
Oh wait, don't get it confused with Utopia at Stake. xD
They're not the same thing, albeit UAS will be based on ADM.

ADM is the base which will have FMOD, vehicles and a bunch of other entities, while UAS is gonna be a total conversion mod that will actually introduce the new tools, weapons and such stuff.

The upcoming release will basically be ADM 0.1 alpha. This means it should have the following ents: (some of which aren't yet implemented, but will be there soon)
  • audio_2d
  • audio_music
  • func_novis
  • func_loadbar
  • func_lag
  • phys_box
  • phys_explosion
  • util_consoleprinter
  • util_kv_operator
  • util_servercommand
  • util_movewith
  • util_rotator
  • env_sky
  • filter_date_smh
  • filter_date_dmy
  • trigger_difficulty
  • trigger_timer
And some vehicle entities: chair, couch, bathtub car and a simple helicopter with a few seats (which is not yet implemented).
Other than entities alone, it should support up to 65k x 65k x 65k-unit maps out of the box (although some effects like explosions don't yet work outside of 8192 units).
I'm planning to host a testing session live with some buddies on TWHL Discord, too, right about before this gets released. It's either gonna be crazy, or it's gonna be a disaster. Maybe both. :D
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 4 years ago2020-08-05 07:50:13 UTC Post #344596
Ohhhhh! That makes sense! Still excited about the extra ents to rig things up with though!
I have a plan I have a planDeleted Scenes is the best CS!
Posted 4 years ago2020-08-08 09:49:13 UTC Post #344609
If my last screenshot was a bit MESSy... this time Hammer complained with 'Too many visible objects.'. I guess filling an area with 500 instances of a recursive template is not a good idea:
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So I'm working on some macro entities that can quickly cover a surface or fill a volume with instances. Here's the source map. The blue blocks on the left delimit template areas, the big grey cube is a macro_fill entity and the grey/yellow brushes behind that are a macro_cover entity:
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Here's what it looks like after it's been processed. The template areas have been removed, but their contents have been copied multiple times onto the non-NULL faces of the macro_cover entity and on the inside of the macro_fill entity:
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There's still a whole bunch of details to finish up, but the core functionality of MESS is pretty much there: creating templates (macro_template and macro_remove_if, or separate map files), inserting them at specific points (macro_insert) or using them to cover a surface (macro_cover) or to fill an area (macro_fill), and customizing them with an expression/scripting system.
Posted 4 years ago2020-08-08 14:38:30 UTC Post #344610
You could try opening the .map file in J.A.C.K. I wonder if it'll complain about too many visible objects lmao.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 4 years ago2020-08-08 16:20:14 UTC Post #344611
Sure ok
monster teleporting funmonster teleporting fun
Posted 4 years ago2020-08-13 07:03:08 UTC Post #344618
Update on the ol' maps for mod!
The armoryThe armory
All the guns on the wall and such (marked by the square, of course) can be taken and used. The section that's not shown is the ammo and shooting range.
I have a plan I have a planDeleted Scenes is the best CS!
Posted 4 years ago2020-08-13 11:13:10 UTC Post #344621
Looks like a L4D2 map
Posted 4 years ago2020-08-13 11:46:05 UTC Post #344622
@Truck Stop Santa Claus: Thank you my dude! Its part of the hub, more specifically its part of the prep phase.
I was going for a rundown vibe, but with warmish safe lights. Goldsource is a wonderful engine!
I have a plan I have a planDeleted Scenes is the best CS!
Posted 4 years ago2020-09-06 11:30:38 UTC Post #344698
Another snip from a level. c1m1, a missile base on the coast (?). Features a basic intro to stealth and distractions. A rather short level in a mission, but I hope it gets the point across when people play it.
Shadows are a bit shoddy tho...Shadows are a bit shoddy tho...
I have a plan I have a planDeleted Scenes is the best CS!
Posted 4 years ago2020-09-06 19:40:52 UTC Post #344699
I like what I'm seeing there. ^^

Recently, I've been experimenting with OpenGL and I'm pretty happy to have found out that modern OpenGL is, indeed, possible in HL.
If I were to rewrite the entire renderer, provided I know what I'm doing, it could dramatically increase the performance, and allow maps to use custom shaders and stuff like that. Think about a shader for real-time moss growth. :walter:

However, before I can even think about working on such a renderer (which would replace the entire GoldSRC game renderer, except for the main menu, HUD and stuff), I'll have to focus on bugfixes in my mod base, and then on my ioquake3 fork. But, who knows, maybe it'll be there sooner. :)
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 4 years ago2020-09-07 05:47:01 UTC Post #344700
Thanks, Its taken awhile to get to there! considering how broke CZDZ is in some regards. But its something :)

Again, I love all the stuff you've worked on with your mod base! It looks so neat!
The renderer is certainly a massive discovery! you should be super proud! I cant wait until the next update!
I have a plan I have a planDeleted Scenes is the best CS!
Posted 4 years ago2020-09-07 12:43:06 UTC Post #344701
"The renderer is certainly a massive discovery! you should be super proud! I cant wait until the next update!"
I'm super duper proud already, as with all my work so far.

It's not much of a discovery TBH. People have done it multiple times in the past, they just didn't share too much stuff around. I primarily wanted to do the experiment when I saw this old video again:
In fact, I once saw a Vulkan renderer from the same guy in 2017. There were screenshots on the old Valve Developer Union Discord, but that place is gone now. IIRC engine updates broke some things so he stopped working on it.

The thing is, however, a lot of these renderers from scratch tend to never get released, and most of them that do are mostly renderer additions, not rewrites. The most significant releases I can think of are Trinity Renderer, Paranoia's renderer (in the Paranoia Toolkit) and MetaRenderer. But they all have flaws. Paranoia's renderer is slow and sometimes buggy IIRC, MetaRenderer can get you a VACation due to its usage of a hacked opengl32.dll etc.

So, I thought it'd be a good time to plant the seed of a fast, safe & public renderer rewrite. The best part about this IMO is that it doesn't use any extra DLLs, and it doesn't do anything yet that would trip VAC. We'll see about it in 5 years lol.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 4 years ago2020-09-07 18:33:31 UTC Post #344702
In addition to the above-described renders, there are also

Sister Renderer - metahook
cgeffect-opengl32, metahook
Metahook -MetaSystem - In progress
However, there is nothing to cheat
The mentioned relate engine looks the best of all the renderings
A few years ago I managed to get in touch with the author of this mod, but unfortunately I was unable to convince him to make the engine code public

ps the ACG module also has its render but I have never been interested in it
Posted 4 years ago2020-09-08 03:05:12 UTC Post #344703
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