Half-Life Featureful SDK Created 1 year ago2023-06-05 13:54:51 UTC by FreeSlave FreeSlave

Created 1 year ago2023-06-05 13:54:51 UTC by FreeSlave FreeSlave

Posted 2 months ago2024-11-26 02:33:20 UTC Post #349365
The update with important bugfix related to the sound playback https://github.com/FreeSlave/halflife-featureful/releases/tag/featureful-2024-11-26
Posted 2 months ago2024-11-29 20:27:45 UTC Post #349369
The Gonome's gut projectile seems to be invisible. Its other effects are visible though.
gameaddict117o7 gameaddict117o7SavebearingBoss
Posted 2 months ago2024-12-01 13:20:37 UTC Post #349375
Thanks for reporting. Will be fixed in the next version.

This is the consequence of switching to Visuals that allow for render parameters customization. I didn't properly define the default Visual for gonome's guts.
Posted 2 months ago2024-12-08 13:31:38 UTC Post #349393
New update https://github.com/FreeSlave/halflife-featureful/releases/tag/featureful-2024-12-08

This release introduces the support for the texture material type configuration. The mod developer now can add new material types and customize the parameters of predefined ones. Read wiki for more information.
Posted 1 month ago2024-12-19 16:19:10 UTC Post #349419
New update https://github.com/FreeSlave/halflife-featureful/releases/tag/featureful-2024-12-19

Now standard Half-Life weapons can be disabled (e.g. in order to decrease the number of precached resources)
Fixed some opfor NPC models distributed with the sample mod (wrong sound paths in the events, incorrect hitgroups).

Read the release notes on github for the full changelog.

This release also introduces noticeable changes to the codebase so if you're maintaining the fork of Featureful SDK read the changelog (the part about Codebase changes).
Posted 1 month ago2024-12-31 18:41:13 UTC Post #349437
Posted 1 month ago2025-01-07 18:21:41 UTC Post #349454
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-14 18:27:36 UTC Post #349469
New update https://github.com/FreeSlave/halflife-featureful/releases/tag/featureful-2025-01-14

Major changes:
  • Added corpse_player_collision_fix feature to fight the nasty Half-Life engine bug (described in more details in the changelog).
  • env_dlight now can be attached to entities or dynamic positions to allow dynamic light move along with position updates.
  • In the developer mode (when developer cvar is 1 or higher) the .json configuration files are reloaded automatically on the save-restore or level transition. This allows for easier testing that doesn't require the full game restart.
Posted 2 weeks ago2025-01-25 20:32:38 UTC Post #349492
Posted 1 week ago2025-01-26 22:49:14 UTC Post #349496
can you fix the problem vanilla half life always had of after trigger_cdaudio triggerd and play the music
if you would cross a trigger_changelevel while the music still plays than the music stops after the level change
in half life unified this was fixed with ambient_music new entity that replaced trigger_cdaudio that was removed
trigger_mp3audio in Featureful do let to select any mp3 file and not just only the half life tracks just like ambient_music from half life unified
but the only problem is if the music still plays it will stop to play when the level change
Posted 1 week ago2025-01-26 23:54:46 UTC Post #349497
I'm aware of this bug, but fixing it requires introducing a custom audio playback. Which is possible, I just haven't got to it yet.
Posted 1 week ago2025-01-27 00:33:09 UTC Post #349498
i would like to give some cool additions ideas that i thought to create:
have a way to use in a map a different v_ view models for weapons so you can use different hands for the weapons in a map like in half life unified
that used json for model replacements in a map
and some ideas for game monsters:
the gargantua:
have a option (by flag in the entity maybe?) to have all its damage immune off so he can be hurt by any weapon and in any way possible
another option by flag: gargantua dies a normal death (no explosion death that it play a small part of its death animation but than explodes)
and to also play when normal die (no explode death and fully play the death animation) to play the unused gargantua death sounds
give him to also be able to use the 9mmhandgun
barniel and kate:
give them be able to also use 357 magnum (like as barney can use already in the mod)
alien grunt:
option to have him melee only and also in visual in model too by use the submodel for hand without the hivehand for this
female assassin:
give her be able to use crossbow (like as it was meant to be in half life originaly)
and a (flag option?) : let her to have a other melee attack of sometimes to not jump high if stand near her and instead do the
kick attacks of kickshort animation and the longer "kick" animation too (seen in the model) (this is almost like the male assassin that already have 3 kick attacks able)
male assassin:
give him to be able to use shotgun as he already have the animations for the shotgun by gearbox in the model but it was never coded to be used
cleansuit scientist :
a option that he can use a needle to heal just like the normal scientist's
and a small thing to fix:
baby gargantua use the wrong flames sounds of the normal gargantua and not the new ones of the baby gargantua
gar_flameon1 , gar_flameoff1 , gar_flamerun1 sound files from babygarg folder in sound folder have to be used instead
these my ideas
and good luck with the mod development
Posted 1 week ago2025-01-28 09:31:12 UTC Post #349500
Good suggestions for the most part. As far as hand replacements go: That might make only sense when you swap the hands within the mod itself. There's only 1 mod I can recall right now that ever did that and that used to be Azure Sheep.

For the most part we had the Security Hands later on a Blue Security Hev suit. It could be practical for instance to disguise yourself as a soldier while escaping Black Mesa or any other place but other than that simple model weapon hand replacements should usually suffice for any modder out there.

As far as npc weapon customization goes these are not bad suggestions whether it's worth the effort is another thing and Freeslave must decide on that.
At least with the Shotgun for Black Ops I totally agree. The animations are present inside so why not adding the support for it.
Posted 1 week ago2025-01-28 23:35:10 UTC Post #349504
for hand replacements for v_ models for weapons
this if for if you would play the opposing force maps on on half life featureful so you wont be forced to replace the v_ models in the folder
but than this would change it for whatever what map you would play always
so this is as config system per bsp file to change like how it was done in half life unified
in half life unified any blue shift bsps use a config of use the v_ models weapon of blue shift and also in opposing force use soldier hands in all opposing force maps
its a system of json config file per bsp file to use replacements like in half life unified so you wont be forced to replace the models in models folder
but this would change it entirely for any map you would play and force you redo replace the models in models folder
i know there is option to use model replacements already for entities in map editor in featureful like in unified
but there isnt a way to do this for the v view weapon models yet in featureful im very sure after reading all the new additions in github
Posted 1 week ago2025-01-29 16:46:24 UTC Post #349505
Most of these are valid suggestions. The system for npcs to handle a wide variety of weapons is planned, but it's a big task. In normal modding a lot of this stuff is hardcoded taking the specifics of the model into account.

I didn't even pay attention to female assassins having melee animations, but never using them. Nice catch.

If you want cleansuit scientist with needles you would need to change the model anyway (add a body variant with a needle). It's easier to use a regular scientist with a custom model instead.

Dynamic change of the weapon view models is also a must-have feature, I agree. That would allow to create situations when player changes their suit for example (e.g. putting the HEV suit on).
Posted 1 day ago2025-02-08 21:58:41 UTC Post #349528
on cleansuit scientist yes it wont matter totally to not just use on the normal scientist to use custom model of the cleansuit scientist
as he is just pure clone that use a different model and with the official changed behavior gearbox created them that they cannot heal
it would require to decompile the cleansuit scientist model to add to it the needle and you could also add all the half life 1 and opfor blue shift animations to him alongside with the cleansuit ones to have alot of sequences to use but half life unified already have the cleansuit scientist model with all of this so you could just copy use the model from there instead to edit the model to add it

on the alien grunt i remember before years i thought what would happen if i would copy the model decompile it and remove all of the animations of hornet shooting and also to remove the submodel of hivehand so it will use the hand without hive hand and it worked and they became melee only
but since it was in vanilla half life this replaced it for any alien grunt
so i did this again in featureful by use on the alien grunt a custom model that is without the hornet animations and without submodel of hivehand
so it will use the hand without hivehand submodel
and giving it a other new name for the model example : agrunt_meleeonly
and it works exactly like if it was coded to not be able to use hornets or if can but only if coding a new option that make it melee only instead
you could do this on alien slave for example too remove all the animations of the ranged attacks and have the model with a new name different than what the game using and select it as custom model and it will work as melee only for the alien slave entity
its better to have it official supported by coding instead
but still up to than this workaround can be used and it works exactly the same without coding but use a model replacement

also up to when the babygarg is fixed in its code to use the flameon flamerun and flameoff sounds from babygarg sound folder and not the normal garg ones
you can up to than use the soundscript file in sound folder with this code it will be a global fix (always on any babygarg entity in the game with no need to use any some entity properties on it) with this code:
"BabyGarg.BeamAttackOn": {
"waves": ["babygarg/gar_flameon1.wav"]
"BabyGarg.BeamAttackRun": {
"waves": ["babygarg/gar_flamerun1.wav"]
"BabyGarg.BeamAttackOff": {
"waves": ["babygarg/gar_flameoff1.wav"]

also another Interesting idea i tryed was to make the babygarg to be "become" a normal garg without coding in sort of way
a big garg that like the baby garg can be hurt in any way and have a normal death with no explosion and play death sounds
by make a entity template since first using only model and sound replacement dont let you to do other customization stuff such as select collision box and other options needed to mimic the normal garg as much as possible
so i used instead entity template after reading how to use it with this code to mimic the big garg as much as possible
with the exceptions of what you cannot change without source code coding change like the stomp projectile being faster speed than the normal garg's one
check this code and try it out in game on monster_babygarg on Entity template to try this out:
"babygarg_togarg": {
"own_visual": {
"model": "models/garg.mdl"
"soundscripts": {
"BabyGarg.Stomp": {
"pitch": 50
"classify": "Gargantua",
"health": 800,
"collision_box": "monster_garganuta",
"blood": "yellow",
"sound_replacement": {
"babygarg/gar_alert1.wav" : "garg/gar_alert1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_alert2.wav" : "garg/gar_alert2.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_alert3.wav": "garg/gar_alert3.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_attack1.wav" : "garg/gar_attack1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_attack2.wav" : "garg/gar_attack2.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_attack3.wav" : "garg/gar_attack3.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_breathe1.wav" : "garg/gar_breathe1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_breathe2.wav" : "garg/gar_breathe2.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_breathe3.wav" : "garg/gar_breathe3.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_die1.wav" : "garg/gar_die1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_die2.wav" : "garg/gar_die2.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_flameoff1.wav": "garg/gar_flameoff1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_flameon1.wav" : "garg/gar_flameon1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_flamerun1.wav" : "garg/gar_flamerun1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_idle1.wav" : "garg/gar_idle1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_idle2.wav" : "garg/gar_idle2.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_idle3.wav" : "garg/gar_idle3.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_idle4.wav" : "garg/gar_idle4.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_idle5.wav" : "garg/gar_idle5.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_pain1.wav" : "garg/gar_pain1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_pain2.wav" : "garg/gar_pain2.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_pain3.wav" : "garg/gar_pain3.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_step1.wav" : "garg/gar_step1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_step2.wav" : "garg/gar_step2.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_stomp1.wav" : "garg/gar_stomp1.wav"
"visuals": {
"BabyGarg.Eye": {
"model": "sprites/gargeye1.spr",
"color": [255, 255 , 255],
"rendermode": "Glow",
"renderfx": "Constant Glow",
"alpha": 200,
"scale": 1.0
"BabyGarg.Stomp": {
"color": [255, 0 , 0],
"rendermode": "additive",
"alpha": 255,
"scale": 1.0

a cool idea that shows how so much customization like what featureful let you do to
site was very useful for checking there is no parse error in the json syntax so a the entity template code will work in the game
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