Disabled spawn function of specific monstermaker after Osprey was destroyed Created 1 month ago2025-01-13 16:37:44 UTC by unknown_men unknown_men

Created 1 month ago2025-01-13 16:37:44 UTC by unknown_men unknown_men

Posted 1 month ago2025-01-13 16:37:44 UTC Post #349466
When they are in game, after osprey die, monstermaker still respawn alien regardless my trigger will kill the monstermaker entity or disable it.

"origin" "3088 1152 1440"
"targetname" "osprey1"
"target" "os1"
"TriggerCondition" "4" // TriggerCondition: Death
"TriggerTarget" "osprey_die" // If that Osprey die, the alien stop respawning
"angle" "270"
"classname" "monster_osprey"
"origin" "2925 985 1846"
"classname" "multi_manager"
"targetname" "osprey_die"
"spawn_stop" "0.1"
"origin" "2975 1021 1846"
"classname" "trigger_relay"
"target" "aspawn_OUT"
"triggerstate" "0" // Turn OFF monstermaker function
"delay" "10"
"targetname" "spawn_stop"
"killtarget" "aspawn_OUT" // Kill monstermaker "aspawn_OUT" entity as a 2nd method
"origin" "-1168 -1543 794"
"classname" "monstermaker"
"targetname" "aspawn_OUT" // Spawn target
"target" "aspawn_mm" // SFX effects
"angle" "45"
"monstertype" "monster_alien_slave"
"monstercount" "-1"
"delay" "13"
"m_imaxlivechildren" "3"
"netname" "alien"

How to disabled monstermaker "aspawn_OUT" after osprey die?
Posted 4 weeks ago2025-01-15 06:23:33 UTC Post #349470
I don't think monster_apache respects the TriggerX attributes.

One way I can think of is having trigger_multiple entities along the path of the osprey, with both "monsters"and "no clients" flag checked. Use it to reset a timer. As long as the osprey is alive it will periodically hit the triggers, resetting the timer. When the osprey is destroyed the floating trigger would no longer be receiving triggers so the timer will time out, which you can set to kill the monstermaker.
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-23 08:17:41 UTC Post #349479
I tried, osprey start triggering trigger_multiple multiple time but not reset the timer. Monstermaker still die anyway regardless osprey still alive or not.
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-23 09:12:52 UTC Post #349480
What sort of timer setup did you try making?

A simple resettable timer could be a game_counter that is constantly triggered by a multi_manager loop at a regular interval, and using a game_counter_set targetting the game_counter to reset it back to zero.
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-23 12:44:12 UTC Post #349481
When I change method into this, those triggers work right but trigger_relay didn't work so it didn't kill monstermaker after osprey die

"origin" "2751.63501 191.139999 1466.38501"
"classname" "trigger_once" // This thing start the trigger_counter once osprey start moving
"model" "*50"
"target" "osprey_counter"
"spawnflags" "3" // No cliens + monsters frags
"origin" "-356.809998 -3048.02002 1832.194946"
"classname" "trigger_multiple" // Osprey touch this and triggering multi_manager
"model" "*49"
"target" "osprey_trig"
"delay" "0"
"wait" "5"
"spawnflags" "3" // No cliens + monsters frags
"origin" "2909.819824 814.029968 1933.789917"
"classname" "multi_manager"
"targetname" "osprey_trig"
"osprey_cset" "0.1" // Triggering game_counter_set
"mm_work" "0"
"origin" "2897.25 877.889954 1935.76001"
"classname" "game_counter"
"target" "osprey_die"
"targetname" "osprey_counter"
"health" "40" // after counter reach 40 sec, they trigger relay that kill monstermaker
"frags" "0" // reset game_counter initial value to 0
"origin" "2898.579834 852.75 1933.869995"
"classname" "game_counter_set"
"frags" "0" // reset game_counter initial value to 0
"target" "osprey_counter"
"targetname" "osprey_cset"
"origin" "2975.309814 1021 1846"
"classname" "trigger_relay"
"triggerstate" "0"
"delay" "2"
"targetname" "osprey_die"
"killtarget" "aspawn_OUT" // Kill monstermaker
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-23 16:15:37 UTC Post #349483
Man that was mistake the "health" value of game_counter was number of times that triggering the entity, not seconds, I set monstermaker multi_manager triggering game_counter and they work right, so this is osprey that use trigger_multiple to active game_counter_set that reset game_counter frags and monstermaker that increasing the frags to the limit then they kill monstermaker.
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