wtf happened to my gordon Created 2 weeks ago2025-01-26 14:12:09 UTC by ababab2b ababab2b

Created 2 weeks ago2025-01-26 14:12:09 UTC by ababab2b ababab2b

Posted 2 weeks ago2025-01-26 14:12:09 UTC Post #349494
im making a map and spawned a "info player start" i know what it does but the textures turned into some weird jimble of gordon and the "black mesa training facility" sign
Posted 2 weeks ago2025-01-26 22:13:21 UTC Post #349495
Well, I don't know what's going on with that image, but it appears to be unavailable. I can only assume you're using Hammer and it's done the bug where it replaces model textures with world ones sometimes. Nothing to worry about, just Hammer being janky. Consider upgrading to JACKHammer which is a little more stable and has some nice quality of life improvements.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 1 week ago2025-02-02 14:00:34 UTC Post #349509
"Look what happened to my Gordon."
Meerjel01 Meerjel01I want to be a Meerjel
Posted 1 week ago2025-02-04 08:17:14 UTC Post #349510
If we are talking about the classic VHE for GoldSource, then this happens there. Nothing critical. Just a cool bug.
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