
Counter-Strike CS
de_abducted by noSICK
Posted 12 years ago2011-11-20 16:32:22 UTC • Completed • Counter-Strike
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12 years ago2011-11-20 16:32:22 UTC
12 years ago2011-11-20 16:32:42 UTC
5.00 (4)
full star full star full star full star full star Download (2.7mb)

Hello everybody! Here is my hopefully last map for GS called de_abducted. Aliens got bored and captured two teams on board of their ship to set the battle. Terrorist must destroy energy core which supplies alien "arena". CT will try to stop them. We'll see who win!


Commented 12 years ago2011-11-20 19:58:11 UTC Comment #19468
Great stuff!

Reminds me EXACTLY of the end of empire strikes back when luke and darth vader battle in those megaindustrial sections of bespin city. This would make a GORGEOUS jkII map with zero changes if you ever ported it!

I only ran through quickly but here are a couple impressions:

++Superb use of the texture pack
++Superb use of textlighting
+Good use of ambience
++overall visually stunning work
+Great custom sky! (where'd u get it or did u make it?)
+/-layout seemed very strange. even after walking around for 5 minutes, i still couldn't get a good grasp of where i was.
+/-some textures seem to be scaled quite large, but i can understand from a performance and compile time point-of-view.
-doesn't seem to make a good de map, but who knows!

Port this to dm possibly and we can play it on potato's server! 5 stars for one of the most visually shocking map i've seen for goldsrc, period.

Commented 12 years ago2011-11-21 19:35:09 UTC Comment #19549
Very cool map, i like it, the atmospheric sounds are amazing! It gives it the massive feel it needs to get.

The glass textures are very good. All in all, very good map!

Also, it seems like you're using the skybox i made :D
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-22 23:06:12 UTC Comment #19552
This along with you other maps are on my list of things to review!

Looks very cool from screens and I was working on an alien moon base map myself.
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-23 17:40:39 UTC Comment #19553
Guys, thanks a lot for the comments!

Stojke, this skybox is awesome, this is why I used it. :) But why there are three space bodies on it? I mean there are, obviously, Earth and Moon. But what is the third one? I am just curious :)
Commented 12 years ago2011-11-24 09:21:39 UTC Comment #19554
I made that a long time ago, and was in hurry, my main mission was the earth on top :D

Im really glad you used it in such a cool map, thanks :)
(The last one, blue glow planet was supposed to be a part of the story for my map, which i left out)
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-05 03:42:57 UTC Comment #19628
Link didn't work for me.
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-05 17:29:03 UTC Comment #19631
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-06 02:14:08 UTC Comment #19633
I agree with everyone else, visually this map is absolutely astounding! But game play wise I think it suffers a little bit for a few reasons. There are many places you can jump/fall down to but some hurt you, some don't and some kill you. It's hard to tell which do what without testing each area. Also as camper kid mentioned, there really isn't much cover but it might make for some quick gameplay. I think most players would just jump off the glass panels and camp out under it peaking over.

I thought it would be a fun map to play with low gravity but the main area has a clip brush just a few feet above the players head. I think it is unnecessary. Also there's a few glitches in the tunnels. This I know is due to the goldsource engine's weak capabilities.

Sorry for pointing out the bads, it's just such a nice map that they should be fixed. But that's up to you. This is great work and very very inspirational. I'm working on a map right now myself with somewhat the same theme and this one visually blows mine out of the water. Did you make the textures or get them from somewhere? And could I use them? Anyways good job and great work! Just think about gameplay a little more. I can't rate this map because visually it deserves 20 stars but not gameplay wise. Sorry for being stubborn. Another constructive critisism is that though the map is visually beautiful it gets a bit boring to walk around in. Maybe because there is no vertical gameplay or things to interact with like ladders, elevators, doors, breakables, movement devices etc. Also the ambience that plays through the whole map is a little distinctive. Perhaps a longer wav. that alters more would be better for that. Though it gets the job done, after a few rounds it might get a little repetitive

Besides all that, you sure pushed gold to its limits. This map could pass for source!

Keep up the wonderful work and goodluck to your future maps! We'll be looking forward to them! :D
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-02 23:30:46 UTC Comment #19897
One of the most interesting 1.6 maps I've ever seen. Amazed how you've successfully established such a unique & surreal visual theme in GoldSrc.

Awesome work!
Commented 1 year ago2022-07-04 15:19:15 UTC Comment #104605
This is worth downloading just to look at 👏

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