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Point EntityInfo_tfdetect is an entity that must be included in every TFC map. It stores important information about the map which TFC uses to determine things like flaginfo, number of teams, team names, class limits, and team player number limits. Info_tfdetect also causes your map to show up in the map list on the "Create LAN Game" and "Create Internet Game" screens of the Half-Life launcher.
- Item 1 no. for flaginfo (display_item_status1)
- Item 2 no. for flaginfo (display_item_status2)
- Item 3 no. for flaginfo (display_item_status3)
- Item 4 no. for flaginfo (display_item_status4)
- Item at origin message, owners (team_str_home)
- Item dropped msg, owners (t_s_m)
- Item carried msg owner, %s = AP name (t_s_c)
- Item at origin msg, non owner (non_team_str_home)
- Item dropped msg, non owner (non_team_str_moved)
- Item carried msg, non owner, %s = AP name (n_s_c)
- Version String (broadcast)
- No. of teams-for teamcheck only (number_of_teams)
- Team 1 VGUI menu name (team1_name)
- Team 2 VGUI menu name (team2_name)
- Team 3 VGUI menu name (team3_name)
- Team 4 VGUI menu name (team4_name)
- LocalCmd String (message)
- Blue Lives (ammo_shells)
- Red Lives (ammo_nails)
- Yellow Lives (ammo_rockets)
- Green Lives (ammo_cells)
- Blue class limits toggleflags (maxammo_shells)
- Red class limits toggleflags (maxammo_nails)
- Yellow class limits toggleflags (maxammo_rockets)
- Green class limits toggleflags (maxammo_cells)
- Max Players, Blue (ammo_medikit)
- Max Players, Red (ammo_detpack)
- Max Players, Yellow (maxammo_medikit)
- Max Players, Green (maxammo_detpack)
- Blue Allies (team1_allies)
- Red Allies (team2_allies)
- Yellow Allies (team3_allies)
- Green Allies (team4_allies)
- As it say's in the Intro, This entity "must" be included in every TFC map.
- Thanks to EsBe for the original information.