I am considering this work complete. It includes a bsp, and it is for half-life single player. The final version is beta5c, which is also available with several screenshots at its site: http://www.geocities.com/fly_trap_one
Commented 21 years ago2003-07-02 19:46:15 UTCComment #49
Very Difficult. The tolerances between the jumps are really close, so much so that to get through this, you either play it a hundred times or cheat...?? The camera shots can be a little distracting at times, take the opening sequence. It makes sense that when you whack the guy in the bunker, you get to go through the door. Wasn't all that happy with the transitions either, some of them are a bit sudden and don't give you time to explore. Apart from that I like the concept. I didn't find any bug's and liked the texture, lighting and the white Zen..
Commented 21 years ago2003-07-13 18:06:30 UTCComment #84
i liked the start with the grunts, but the jumping parts were a little annoying - personally i hate jumping around, but some people love it, so for all those people who hate jumping puzzles: make the jumps a little easyer! the distance between jumps is exactly maximum and this makes for a lot of unnececary hopping around. a little more combat would also be welcome.
Commented 18 years ago2007-02-04 01:21:22 UTCComment #14143
The grunt part was too difficult (I ran out of ammo). The rest was fun. I like jumping puzzles, and consider Half-Life's move ments one of the best ever put into a game.
Commented 7 years ago2017-12-04 00:17:52 UTCComment #21078
This sure is a mixed bag when it comes to quality. As far as the visuals go, every other area looks pretty damn good! The others, less so. The grunt area is well lit, and in general, is quite nice to look at. The well-crafted secret goes a long way, too! But then you hit those terrible area transitions (if you put a door there, why not use it instead of those teleports?), and the next area, if not too bad from a gameplay perspective, is an eyesore. Then you get to that white hellscape which is more a chore than anything else. The lava area is well made, even if the bridge breaking is predictable as hell. And that ending sticks with you, even if it doesn't make any sense. All in all, not too bad. Certainly has room for improvement
The camera shots can be a little distracting at times, take the opening sequence. It makes sense that when you whack the guy in the bunker, you get to go through the door. Wasn't all that happy with the transitions either, some of them are a bit sudden and don't give you time to explore.
Apart from that I like the concept. I didn't find any bug's and liked the texture, lighting and the white Zen..
The rest was fun.
I like jumping puzzles, and consider Half-Life's move ments one of the best ever put into a game.
All in all, not too bad. Certainly has room for improvement