Remember when you teleported youreself to Xen at last time from that large teleport? You did not go there first.. You got teleported to other side of Black Mesa base.
You find youreself dropping to street, next to office building. There is few survivors but not so long.. Then you get in!
Map is kinda short and theme changes too fast

My friends said the details is kinda good.. Not sure what you say, tho.
Keep posting!
Also, add a screenshot for your other map.
I have to say, I thought the gameplay was excellent. Monster placement seemed perfect, and there were some things I don't think I've seen before (those Headcrabs jumping out of the vents actually surprised me a little, something headcrabs don't normally do!) Everything was always fast paced, and there was plenty of variety for such a small map.
Your architecture was overall good, and it never felt too blocky at all. I don't think I noticed your overuse of prafabs that much, and at the computer area, I was too busy watching out for the lightning bolt to even care!
You could use improvement in a couple of areas though. I noticed some textures were misused, and sometimes the transition of areas was a little odd..
Still, good map.
Three stars.
Very nice stuff!
Just the right length for a mod...not too long or short, and a nice degree of difficutly, but not impossible :).
Excellent use of detail work too. I loved the use of decals, props, and the blocks blowing out from the tripmine....nice!
Excellent Xen stuff!
A little better defined story, scripting, and sequences could make this even better, though you pulled off the Xen "outbreak" theme pretty well.
Nice Work
I just haven't seen him before.
Luw you! <3