
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 21:38:57 UTC in vault item: ka_glassmaze Comment #4448
Well, everything except the strip after every round is working now. Peace and Love I set it up exactly like that and it still doesn't seem to want to work for me, could you please take a look when you get the chance, it'd be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Commented 19 years ago2004-09-28 11:44:40 UTC in vault item: ka_glassmaze Comment #4140
Oh wow, someone responded with my solution, thanks so much for clarifying that peace and love, and yes I am using info_playerstart/deathmatch, but I'm not sure if they're 16 units apart or not, I'll try all of this when I get home. Thanks again!!!

Commented 19 years ago2004-09-11 19:39:50 UTC in vault item: ka_glassmaze Comment #3896
Yeah I realize that, but it was a friends idea and he asked me if it was possible, so I'm trying to make it possible. Plus most everyone on the server seems to love the map, so it's cool. Thanks for the thought though! Any help please, thanks. btw when I started to read your comment, 'Hate to err, ruin your hopes', I was like fuck, the map's screwed, lol good to hear that it's not though....... atleast not yet.
