Competition: Destructification!

Competition Status: Closed View Results
Open Date
18 years ago2006-04-12 00:00:00 UTC
Close Date
18 years ago2006-05-12 23:59:59 UTC
Map from Base
Allowed Engines
Judging Type
Judged (all engines combined)

User posted image
You are to create a post-disaster version of the provided base map (see attachment) by modifying brushwork, lighting, ambience etc.
Attached file: Click to download


Well, we had a lot of rather good entries this time 'round. I highly recommend you check out all the other submissions if their authors have made them available in the Map Vault: they pretty much all had something interesting and entertaining in!
1st Place - SlayerA
Before I fired up this entry, I worried that I might have unfairly high expectations for an entry from SlayerA. No such fear: this was the only entry I actually had to re-play. One of the most remarkable things I've ever seen in Half-Life. The rest of the map is rather similar to the base map provided, but the entity set-ups are quite incredible. First place, hands down. Another trophy for the inimitable SlayerA.
2nd Place - rowleybob
rowleybob -no name- FINAL
Fantastic brushwork and attention to detail are the defining points of this entry. You'd almost think he'd coded in a little advanced fluid physics code. The only down point is that it's still clearly Black Mesa, but it's not much of a problem; it suits the little storyline.
3rd Place - ZombieLoffe
Download it here.

This was one of the more "from-based" entries: the place was completely, and nicely, re-textured. This one also had the most story, told quite interestingly. While it didn't have any particularly outstanding architecture, and a couple of little graphical bugs, it was also the only entry in which the G-man has the traditional position of power over the player.