
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-10 03:02:32 UTC in vault item: pup_usp_aim_canyon Comment #12976

Seeing that you only are 16 years old, I will try to be nice to you. I don't exactly care what children think about my skills or what I should do on a site or not. Who the f*** do you think you are? A child with pimples who is playing the game illegally? I don't want to know what you and other mappers do in the club of mutual admiration.

Also you absolutely REFUSE to use your brain. What is with that man?
What is that a sign of? No wait...don't bother telling me. What makes you think people actually care what YOU THINK about their naming conventions? (yes, that is what it is called in the REAL WORLD)

And for the love of God...please enlighten us WHY OH WHY you have named one of your own maps using that syntax?
aim_ak_colt_pro that is......

Would you know if a map looks good anyway? I mean, with your head stuck that far up your a** is would be hard to tell..

Go back to playing Nintendo and STFU.

Don't ever open your mouth again until you
1) are 18 years old and can play games intended for adults.
2) know what the hell you are whining about.
3) learn to show proper respect to other living beings.
4) actually got something creative to say.

NO! Just STFU!
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-05 14:52:43 UTC in vault item: puppycademy_awp_e-tractor Comment #12757
Downloads are back up again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-05 14:52:27 UTC in vault item: pup_usp_aim_canyon Comment #12756
Downloads are back up again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-05 14:50:11 UTC in vault item: puppycademy_awp_normal-tractor Comment #12755
Sorry about that. Apache kinda hung again. It is up and working again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-05 11:02:49 UTC in vault item: pup_usp_aim_canyon Comment #12745
For some reason I doubt that you hated to say it. =o)
Thank you so much for representing the TWHL and informing us newcomers that our maps ain't wanted basically. Also, thanks alot for taking the time to download (you DID download the map right?) and testing the gameplay and all of the things you claim this map sadly lacks. Actually, it is dead easy to tell from your comments that you are way off. This isn't a new map. It has been thoroughly playtested as well as 'played' for real, and the gameplay is good.

I don't mind criticism, but to take it I at least expect the person to actually LOOK at the things he is about to criticise. From your comments I seriously doubt you did. If you think you did look at it, then by all means give concrete examples instead of general stuff.
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-04 23:07:19 UTC in vault item: puppycademy_awp_e-tractor Comment #12734
Following a set path isn't an optimal way of doing this, I admit that. I will introduce at least some level of randomness later on though. I can also assure you that it isn't easy to remember the paths when playing and things get hectic! There is also a big difference between difficulty levels. Some players have told us it is excellent for practising drag shots and quick zoom for example. Anyway, thanks alot for your comments! Perhaps one of the upcoming practise maps will surprise you =o)