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Judging is complete and here are the results for the Make Black Mesa Come Alive Competition that recently closed!

Congratulation to the winners, and thank you to all entrants! Some great maps were created for this competition! Go play 'em!

See the full results here.
User posted image
First Place: First Day at Black Mesa by EljanoCZE

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spforce2 hours ago2025-02-15 21:59:22 UTC 69 replies
the most important features things needed need to be done that are in half life unified but missing still in featureful:
a option to select a Sentence Replacement file per-monster (just like how we a...
in half life unified if you create a npc that is normally hostile to the player for example a alien grunt or headcrab or zombie or human grunt or a female assassin and than override its Classificatio...
That would explain it, yeah, that should be enough for me to figure it out. Thank you so much!
Admer4561 week ago2025-02-07 22:03:49 UTC 5 replies
You can read the [[How to fix those leaks]] guide. The map editor should be able to load a line that ends up going through the leak. The info_player_start is merely the first entity that "saw" the lea...
Dbebss1 week ago2025-02-07 01:41:29 UTC 2 replies
Thank you for the info. I'll get straight to fixing it.

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Posted 1 month ago2024-12-25 01:49:15 UTC • Voting closed • 16 comments
Will Valve announce or release a new HL game in 2025?
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  • Yes: 42% (22 votes)