
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-25 17:33:54 UTC in vault item: Sykhiv_yards_b2 Comment #105655
Thank you for your feedback. I may add a few more indoor areas if it turns out to be appropriate
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-22 15:49:49 UTC in vault item: Sykhiv_yards_b2 Comment #105651
Thank you for your feedback. Yes, it is possible that the color of the outdoor lighting under the sky is not perfectly matched and it seems that it is evening lighting. However, in reality, with such a sky, there can be soft yellow lighting, like in summer, the sky is clearly not winter or autumn. So I'll think about the texture of the grass, because before I thought the texture was not very contrasting and somehow got lost against the background. Of course, the terrain affects performance, but I don't know if I can optimize it so much that I don't lose this most important visual feature of the map. I don't really understand what central courtyard we are talking about? I would be grateful for screenshots
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-04 18:56:12 UTC in vault item: fy_uafights_b3 Comment #105621
Thank you, I'm glad you like the style of the map
Commented 1 year ago2023-06-09 14:37:05 UTC in vault item: Stalkyard Tournament Comment #105346
Nice retexturing!
Commented 1 year ago2023-06-09 14:36:33 UTC in vault item: Sykhiv_yards_b1.5 (Update!) Comment #105345
Ogdred, I will work on making the map lighter. Which places on the map do you think are too dark? I would be grateful for screenshots
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-31 10:19:03 UTC in vault item: de_classicsmix_b2 Comment #105311
Meerjel01, or maybe this war is a test of ideology? I remember the annual commemorations of the Holocaust, how they would never allow genocide to happen again, and now it is happening again, but now against Ukrainians? In a recent audio interception, a Russian soldier bragged about how he and other soldiers killed 400 people in a village overnight! Isn't that genocide? If a democratic West doesn't have values for which it is willing to help, then what are those values worth? No one is calling on anyone to personally fight by sending troops. I am very interested in what mistakes Ukraine has made. Like every country, it wanted to build its own path of development, strived to develop democracy and join the EU in order to improve the lives of ordinary people. And for Russia, democracy itself is a threat, but this is their problem as an inadequate country
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-31 10:08:52 UTC in vault item: de_classicsmix_b2 Comment #105310
Lei shi, I do not see any propaganda in the glorification of people who defend their homeland. Art has always been sincere and showed what people care about, not censored. The role of art is to expose evil:) As for propaganda in games, have you heard of Freedom Fighters, or played Homefront and Call of Duty? Ps It's nothing personal, but a year ago the whole world was worried about the situation with Taiwan when Nancy Pelosi visited. China's position even in the Russian-Ukrainian war is very strange
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-31 10:00:42 UTC in vault item: de_classicsmix_b2 Comment #105309
Reasonable, Thank you for testing the map. I was wondering if it was worth adding a third bomb bookmark with de_nuke. Perhaps the bookmarking place here should be removed. If you can record the gameplay with live people and post it, it will help the development of the map a lot
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-31 09:51:49 UTC in vault item: de_classicsmix_b2 Comment #105308
Archie, Thank you for such a detailed review of the map. Yes, the solution of 3 bomb sites is experimental and needs to be tested. As for the visual style, I adjusted the style of de_dust 2 to de_train, so de_train itself was unchanged. Yes, I had thoughts of replacing all the textures with my own, and making more detail, but then it would not be so recognisable for players, it would not feel like a classic.
Ps As for the posters on the map, it's all out of love. I don't see anything wrong with glorifying the defenders, if it weren't for them, these maps might not even exist. They are peaceful in nature, with no images of violence or calls for it. There is a lot of writing about games here, maybe someone has played Freedom Fighters? Or Homefront? Or the Call of Duty series of games? They all fall under deliberate propaganda
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-30 18:40:13 UTC in vault item: de_classicsmix_b2 Comment #105303
One could also say, what did the Jews do to make us save them in World War II? And what did the Italians do to warrant us liberating them from fascism? Or perhaps liberating European countries that quickly surrendered to the Nazis? I remember old posters at rallies in the United States that read, "This is not our war with Hitler, why not make peace?" Has it ever occurred to you that this is not charity, but the contribution of all Europeans to their own stable, peaceful future? Do you really think that Russia will stop at Ukraine?) Then set an example for China, let it attack Taiwan, and let Iran develop nuclear weapons and attack Israel.
Ps As for whose war, some countries after 2014 bought resources from Russia, making it stronger, some even sold their own military developments (so in the Russian equipment that attacked Ukraine there are Western developments, without which they would be weaker) So some companies did business on someone else's misfortune, paid taxes to their countries, and now from a moral point of view are not involved? It's more complicated, the days of isolation are over
Commented 1 year ago2023-05-23 14:35:34 UTC in vault item: Sykhiv_yards_b1.5 (Update!) Comment #105284
I would be grateful for a gameplay demo or video
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 2 years ago2022-01-19 21:45:32 UTC in vault item: The Crystal Mission Comment #104025
Impressive! very nice map
Commented 2 years ago2022-01-11 19:51:03 UTC in vault item: Clash_b1 (Beta version) Comment #104005
Great looking geometry. Got stuck in it though, can't tell where
It would be good if you could take a screenshot of where you got stuck. Thanks for the feedback.
Commented 2 years ago2022-01-03 23:33:09 UTC in vault item: Clash_b1 (Beta version) Comment #103961
The brushwork/geometry looks impressive, but the texturing is somewhat bland. Maybe that rock texture works better when it's scaled up so that it complements the geometry instead of making it look repetitive? Or perhaps you can find a rock texture with different layers, like the real mesas such as here or here. The center of the map could also use some changes to make it more 'readable' - a couple of big boulders separated by patches of sand should be easier to navigate than a big mass of brown rock.
I also feel that this map needs a clear landmark to make it more memorable and to prevent all sides from looking too similar. Maybe a radar tower or some other man-made structure, something distinct
Thank you for a very helpful and constructive response. These are the kind of quality propositions I was expecting. The map is still an outline, so more detail will be added
Commented 2 years ago2021-12-29 22:00:50 UTC in vault item: Clash_b1 (Beta version) Comment #103931
I didn't record anything but Admer said he might upload something from the night we played this and other maps. Are you on TWHL's Discord? If I knew your name there I would have pinged when we started playing
Very good, I will wait. I'm listed on discord as Eternity
Commented 2 years ago2021-12-29 20:27:04 UTC in vault item: Clash_b1 (Beta version) Comment #103925
Tried it with 6+ players, it looks fantastic! but it needs... something to make it more fun. Thought crossbow was OP at first but since it lacks ammo it's fine.
Thanks for the feedback! I'll try to add maybe new passages to interesting places, change the location of weapons.
I would like to see your gameplay that would understand in what direction to move. I would be grateful for at least a small video