
Commented 2 months ago2024-10-10 10:39:52 UTC in vault item: De_3colors Comment #106453
if anyone wants to texture the map properly then be my guest just credit me on the counterstrike menu
Here is a video Preview of the map: I could have made the video longer, But its as long as it needs to be, I have outlined the basic gameplay variables. The map is dynamic, Allowing each round played on it to be different, 4 minutes is a lot to ask a viewer to look at such an ugly map, so if you got to the end Thank you.

i just released my first map, im wondering if anyone will play it, i often think "if would i have released this at the peak of 1.6 ,it would have no doubt became classic, because i made sure that every playstyle and weapon is valid, and yet the map is simple and the layout easy to learn"."Then why did i make a map for such a dead game?", hardware limitations for one, i have a decent laptop but its not made for gaiming and because CSGO does not exist anymore, i dont like CS2 its too modern and fancy.
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