
monster_urby16 years ago2007-10-31 01:09:43 UTC 0 comments

:thefinger: Shameless Advertising Alert! :thefinger:
monster_urby17 years ago2007-06-05 01:24:01 UTC 0 comments
I seem to be jumping from Avatar to Avatar but now I finally have settled. I figured I love my desktop image so much, why not make it my theme. It kinda fits the name Urbanebula in that it looks like nothing else. I think its a mega microscopic image of human blood. I turned it green to suit my XPTheme (now blue) and now I love it.
User posted image
User posted image
monster_urby17 years ago2007-05-25 01:23:39 UTC 0 comments
Back in the manga scene again.

I'm liking how this one turned out considering it was all done in PSP. :biggrin:
User posted image
monster_urby17 years ago2007-05-04 15:56:18 UTC 0 comments
Can't seem to settle on a logo as of late. Having said that I've just seen the Scrin logo. IT WAS MEANT TO BE!
monster_urby17 years ago2007-04-17 01:54:05 UTC 0 comments
PC has suffered a brain fart and is no longer functional. :furious:
monster_urby17 years ago2006-12-29 14:25:10 UTC 0 comments
Turned my avatar back to the old manga one. Yay.

I also remade my website. Yay.
monster_urby17 years ago2006-12-27 19:59:03 UTC 0 comments
The avatar has changed again! Taken a dark turn though. I just want to point out that regardless of what the avatar states I am not an attention seeking emo. I just happen to like the track that those lyrics are from and I was in a particularly pissed off mood when I made the avatar.
monster_urby17 years ago2006-12-05 06:18:43 UTC 0 comments
Day off. Fiancee has been at work since 07.30. Its now 14.30 and still no development happening on KinetiX. I've got a serious case of mappers block! :tired:
monster_urby17 years ago2006-11-17 15:45:34 UTC 0 comments
Well, its a quarter to midnight, I have a day off tomorrow, I've got a notebook full of mod related scribble in one hand, a coffee in the other and a blank screen infront of my which will eventually be covered by the internal workings and solids making up the KinetiX disaster scene.

Bangs head on desk we go.
monster_urby17 years ago2006-10-31 19:00:34 UTC 0 comments
Fucking internet is so bloody addictive. I need sleep. 3am here in Blighty and I'm loosing control over the droopiness of my head.

Must sleep...Gotta wake up again in 3 hours :zonked:
monster_urby17 years ago2006-10-29 15:24:29 UTC 0 comments
Never thought it would happen but source is just too Sexeh1337 to just watch pass by. I must loose my Source mapping virginity. Time to get training.

Well after I get the sodding camera to work. As for now, my Night Elf needs levelling. :D
monster_urby18 years ago2006-01-10 03:30:42 UTC 0 comments
Haven't posted for a long time in my journal.

I start my new job in Admin today. Scary stuff. I'm gonna make so many fuck-ups.

At least I can come home at 9 tonight and work on SkyLine City. Gonna do some serious work on the mod over the next week. Expect many screenshots.
monster_urby19 years ago2005-04-07 05:55:57 UTC 0 comments
lol. 666 completed maps? wierd.

Hello all from Gran canaria. Going home today though. :(

monster_urby19 years ago2005-02-22 04:18:29 UTC 0 comments
I like new maps. Down Stereotypical SariBous. :lol: j/k
monster_urby19 years ago2005-02-21 11:26:49 UTC 0 comments
Just realised that i may be board when i succeeded to have the last post in every forum. :zonked: