
satchmo17 years ago2007-03-19 08:42:35 UTC 0 comments
My book, "The Everything Parent's Guide to Childhood Illnesses", is now available for pre-ordering at Amazon.

Click here to pre-order.
satchmo17 years ago2007-03-17 18:13:58 UTC 0 comments
I just made dm_vertico and sp_vertico. This is probably the last map that I'll make for a while, since my son is going to arrive in July.

After the birth, my life will be consumed with diapers and bottles. I'll have to lay down my AR and crossbow for a while.
satchmo17 years ago2007-01-11 15:00:09 UTC 0 comments
Pregnancy going well so far.

She went for a run this morning, and I am heading to the gym to lift some weights.
satchmo17 years ago2007-01-01 21:54:27 UTC 0 comments
Coming soon to a bookstore near you . . .
User posted image
satchmo18 years ago2006-10-25 15:07:50 UTC 0 comments
My stupid editor doesn't know what he's talking about.

He's asking me to make major changes to the manuscript because he says that I "lost focus" of the topic of the book.

satchmo18 years ago2006-09-07 21:11:10 UTC 0 comments is now officially undergoing beta testing.

It's an important milestone. I've been working tirelessly at it for the past week.
satchmo18 years ago2006-08-26 14:47:35 UTC 0 comments
I saw a twelve-year-old boy today with a toe fracture. I was explaining the x-ray result to the mother when he exclaimed "you got ownd!" to the mother (because she asked an obvious question).

I immediately asked him whether he plays CS, and he does. He plays CS:S. He was all amazed when he found out that his doctor scrims in a clan. :nuts:
satchmo18 years ago2006-08-18 12:34:31 UTC 0 comments
I saw a patient who is very interested in architecture. I introduced the patient to mapping. I recommended Kasperg's maps to the patient because Fallingwater is a favorite.

P.S. If you are reading this, welcome to TWHL. I am the doctor who saw you today. :D
satchmo18 years ago2006-03-27 15:14:48 UTC 0 comments
My Chinese gaming profile:

34歲的我是一個好打電玩的小兒科醫生. 自從1985年我在美國加州就學 (UCLA) 一直到醫學院畢業, 我一直熱愛電玩.

目前我已經結婚了, 但是我們還沒有小孩. 我的妻子跟我都很喜歡運動. 我還是個舉重專家.
satchmo18 years ago2006-03-23 18:46:06 UTC 0 comments
A second strain of the flu virus is exploding in the U.S. I've been slaving away in the hospital this week.

I'm working through another 12-hour shift right now. Gotta go...
satchmo18 years ago2006-03-10 16:28:53 UTC 0 comments
satchmo is the official nickname of Louis Armstrong, the jazz virtuoso.

I am a big jazz fan.
satchmo18 years ago2006-03-09 11:59:47 UTC 0 comments
Hello satchmo! This is your 1337th login. 9o()|) s7|_|p/-/! :aghast:
satchmo18 years ago2006-02-27 15:14:32 UTC 0 comments
I had one of the busiest night last night at the urgent care clinic. There are tons of kids who are throwing up and coughing.

It's a miracle I don't get sick all the time.

And I saw a 15-year-old girl this morning. She's only fifteen, but she's already been in and out of jail several times for drug offenses. She has depression, anxiety disorder, alcohol abuse, coccain abuse, and meth abuse in her long list of diagnosis.

It can be depressing sometimes, even in pediatrics.
satchmo18 years ago2006-02-02 10:04:25 UTC 0 comments
My sister-in-law just delivered a healthy baby girl yesterday. My wife and I were there with them during labor and delivery.

I am an uncle now.