
Luke16 years ago2008-04-10 16:21:12 UTC 10 comments
Got a 25 on the ACT, not sure if people other than Americans know what that is, though.

Standardized testing FTW
Luke16 years ago2008-03-29 16:53:43 UTC 6 comments
Just finished season 2 of Lost.

I'm probably more confused than ever. Can't wait for this show to play out.
Luke16 years ago2008-03-21 19:10:04 UTC 0 comments
Just finished the first season of Lost after watching it on ABC's website.

24 episodes in 5 days, so about 4-5 episodes a day. I couldn't stop once I got into it, it's a great show.

Next up season 2.
Luke16 years ago2008-03-17 17:38:28 UTC 7 comments
I started watching Lost on ABC's website. I've been following it from the start of the third season, but I needed to be filled in on what happened in the first two seasons.

I'm gonna try and watch 3-4 episodes a day, which is about 3 hours worth of Lost.

I wish I watched it from the beginning. If I saw the first episode when it aired, I would have watched it the whole time.
Luke16 years ago2008-03-06 21:13:25 UTC 3 comments
Just got back to TF2 after 2 weeks of being MIA.

A little rusty, but came out on top after a few rounds.
Luke16 years ago2008-03-04 20:27:37 UTC 0 comments
I'm too soon to jump the gun:

1. Reviewing games sucks.
2. The Sims 2 gets old pretty fast.

Back to TF2 I say.
Luke16 years ago2008-03-03 00:34:23 UTC 0 comments
I think I'm gonna start doing game reviews, it's fun.

Anyways: The Sims 2

Urbanebula's recent revival of The Sims house of TWHLers inspired me to pick up The Sims 2. I know I know, I'm 4 years too late, but these games just never get old.

It's all the same concept as the original Sims, except they've thrown in a bunch of awesome improvements. There's nothing really big except your "aspirations", or whatever they're called, and that you do things day to day to gain points, earning you special items.

Not just that, little things like putting stuff in the oven and forgetting about it can catch your house on fire, or that you can actually walk around the house with a phone. All great stuff.

I could go on and on with a bunch of little stuff, but I'll leave that to you. I suggest you go pick up a copy if you loved the original game.
Luke16 years ago2008-02-27 20:14:17 UTC 0 comments
I take back what I said about Crysis. It was a great game until the last hour of play, and then it sucked balls.

A shit load of enemies at the normal setting doesn't show a good game or difficulty, it shows bad ideas and poor planning. I'm surprised I killed the giant mothership thing when I did, because the whole time I was dodging frozen bullshit.

What really pissed me off, though, is how the game was ended. I got about 15-18 hours of gameplay out of it, beating it in about 4 days. 95% of that gameplay was pure awesome, then the last 5% was shit. I fucking hate games that leave room for a second installment, especially a game like this.

"Hurrr, I gotta go back to help my dick-buddy. *Credits*"

Come the fuck on.
Luke16 years ago2008-02-26 17:06:17 UTC 0 comments
Despite the fact I'm playing Crysis on low-medium-low, it's got to be one of the best, if not the best, FPS's I've ever played.

I think it's the same level as TF2. Just such a great game.
Luke16 years ago2008-02-23 15:07:01 UTC 0 comments
TWHL 3 burns ma eyes.
Luke16 years ago2007-10-30 11:50:44 UTC 0 comments
Ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this.
Luke16 years ago2007-10-12 12:39:59 UTC 0 comments
Orange Box rocks epicly.
Luke16 years ago2007-09-25 17:36:05 UTC 0 comments
World Crafter: 18 months is a little old for my taste. I prefer 6 months, 8 tops.
A confirmed pedo on TWHL.
Luke16 years ago2007-09-18 14:11:24 UTC 0 comments
TF2, is fucking epic.
Luke17 years ago2007-05-20 13:51:18 UTC 0 comments
I say to you all DONT DOWNLOAD MAP EDITOR BF1942!!