Shit, its been a while, Have not been on this site is such a long time, have been working and doing the school thing. Lost all my time to do what I love, and that is dick around with half-life and making maps and what not. How are all of you? This is the first website I have visited in my new datacenter, if you wanna see what it looks like you can check out the security cam @ or the panoramic cam is, note the pan cam, takes a couple minutes to load all four images for some reason. Cheers
Haven't Logged in a while. I have been busy with school and other stuff. Got a new domain,, I am running my own web server now, I just got my poweredge 2600 setup in the server rack, and it is doing pretty good.
Well this week kinda sucked, I managed to dislocate my jaw so i went to the chiropractor (is that how you spell it?) and he poped it back in place, and now i hurts evan worse because i also dameged the socket.