
boyty0119 years ago2005-06-08 06:22:56 UTC 0 comments
Preparing to start the mod!
After roughly 7-8 months of CS: Source mapping and HL2 entity testing, our team is almost together. As an added bonus a few of us decided to get used to Face poser as well, pushing our mod abilities further. Next step, XSI!
boyty0119 years ago2005-05-25 04:34:36 UTC 0 comments
Need a tut/map? contact me! i'll happily demonstrate anything i understand. what do i understand you ask? hmm.. begin here:

Blocks (brush geometry)

3.displacement (including sewing and alpha painting)

this list might go on a bit so i'll leave out the blatently obvious ones..


cuz im in col at the moment i don't have an available list and my memory is like a siv. contact me at my e-mail address or add me on msn at the same addy if you need help.
boyty0119 years ago2005-05-25 04:22:43 UTC 1 comment
Gettin better at mapping. so good in fact i could give myself a medal for not being quite as shit as i had been from day 1. its been about 6 months since i began mapping. woopee.

man these things make me feel big headed. :
boyty0119 years ago2005-05-11 03:31:25 UTC 0 comments
  • one day while playing with choreo scenes for HL2 Boyty began compiling the map..everythin was going swell until..*
"Oh shit!!" yeld Boyty.

"what's the problem?" asked an anonymous person, who solely exists to make this journal entry seem realistic.

"are there any chicks in here?" asked deano SPAMone 2.

"what the hell are you doing here?!" asked boyty. And with that Deano disappeared into thin air. *Anyway on with the story..i mean journal entry... :D *

"the problem is that the god damn pc shut down! i swear on Gman's suitcase, if its buggered up my map i'm going to eat the keyboard!"

and thats just what he did...

Note: not based on a true story!

Will update with a story that makes sense soon!!