
38_9812 years ago2011-11-11 19:37:23 UTC 2 comments
I picked up my pre-order of Skyrim today on the PS3. Unfortunately, I don't have a HDTV, so there's some problems with resolution (particularly annoying since I can't see anything on the bottom bar, including my health bar) but otherwise I'm having a blast with it.

I am, as always, playing my kahjitt assassin. I'm such a sucker for sneaky bow shots. And now I can add dual dagger backstabs to the list :P
38_9812 years ago2011-10-24 19:49:44 UTC 4 comments
[Spoilers for 'The Walking Dead' season 2 episode 1 ahead]

So, I just finished watching the first episode of the new Walking Dead season. A brilliant episode all in all. I'm particularly interested in the direction the show is going in comparison to the comic. Although I haven't read the entire comic series up-to-date, I do know enough to see the variations in the stories of both the comic and TV show. The direction season two is taking is very much different, and I have to admit, much more interesting then the comic series. It'll be interesting to see how things develop now that the group has been split up as well as the fate of the two kids.
38_9812 years ago2011-10-17 22:51:43 UTC 12 comments
Apparently, there was a BBC documentary which revealed that the Catholic Church has been illegally trafficking newly-born babies. Why? Because they believed their mothers were unfit to have them. According to the documentary, they stole at least 300,000 of them and sold them on for profit via adoptions, no less.

The very fact that the Pope has not been struck by lighting over 9000 times and the Vatican swallowed whole by the Earth is proof that god doesn't exist, In my opinion.
38_9812 years ago2011-10-07 23:46:59 UTC 5 comments
Well, today I got Rage. Although I am only a small bit into the game (about to start the sponsorship race) I gotta say, it's a bloody brilliant game. Story wise it seems more or less to be that of Fallout 3. Just replace Enclave with "The Authority" and Megaton with Wellspring. Oh, and no grand water purifying project (that I've yet to see).

What it lacks in story it more then makes up for in combat and animations. The enemies are fantastically done, challenging (assuming you put it at hard at the very least) and very smooth. In particular, the ducking, dodging and fast movements of bandits and mutants make for some very fun, sometimes intense battles. I'd say the vehicle combat is a little less entertaining then fighting on foot, but still great nonetheless.

My only real criticism so far is that the audio seems a little out of sync with the speaking animations of the characters ingame. Anyone else noticed that? Or is it just me?
38_9812 years ago2011-08-12 13:19:32 UTC 13 comments
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38_9812 years ago2011-08-11 11:48:06 UTC 2 comments
This story has to be one of the cleverest things I've ever read. Ingenius idea.

My favorite part is that they actually managed to get the group to sell the t-shirts at the concerts themselves. ha.
38_9812 years ago2011-07-12 19:55:04 UTC 5 comments
I just read about three girls who won a Google science fair. Holy shit, they're projects are seriously impressive, especially the one who figured out a work around for those chemotherapy drugs. And the prizes? A trip to the Galápagos islands and an internship at CERN? Dang.
38_9812 years ago2011-05-21 17:35:30 UTC 20 comments
Its past 6pm, and I'm thoroughly disappointed. I was promised a doomsday to remember by some old guy in America and he said it would be today at 6pm :(

I had my apocalypse suit on and everything. Prick.
38_9813 years ago2011-05-03 13:11:57 UTC 9 comments
Is it bad that when I first heard Osama had been killed by a gunshot to the head that all I could think of for the next 30 minutes was "BOOM, HEADSHOT!"?
38_9813 years ago2011-03-16 07:59:52 UTC 3 comments
I managed to get a hold of my brother, who lives and works in Tokyo. From what I can tell, he's fine, as is his home. I can't tell to what extent the area around him was damaged. When I last visited him in October, he lived on a hill, so perhaps if a tsunami did come crashing through the area it wasn't too bad. Everyones been talking only about Sendai and that Nuclear reactor thingy so its a bit hard to garner details on the rest of the country.

From what I can tell, he has moved back into his home. Theres little food in the area, and the power seems to be sketchy at best.
38_9813 years ago2010-12-24 21:14:16 UTC 6 comments
Merry Christmas or whatever you are celebrating! :D

And remember boys and girls, be good or else you shall be crushed beneath Santa's Jolly Boots of Doom
38_9813 years ago2010-12-06 17:10:53 UTC 6 comments
Here's some news that might surprise you. My aunt, who has been dating for awhile, met this one guy called Brian two nights ago. Turns out they both became instant lovebirds and are now planning to get married.

I'll be honest, I lol'd when I heard the news.
38_9814 years ago2010-03-30 02:28:27 UTC 13 comments
I bought Torchlight last weekend from Steam when they had the 75% discount going. Cost me only 5 bucks. Best 5 bucks I ever spent, in my opinion. For those of you who played and loved the Diablo series and other, similar games, get it. You will not regret it.

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38_9814 years ago2010-03-14 14:41:47 UTC 13 comments
Happy Pi day!