
spinakerjones16 years ago2008-02-17 12:29:46 UTC 1 comment
really not worth writing since no one will go onto my page.
spinakerjones17 years ago2007-04-14 08:38:07 UTC 0 comments
ok i have finished my map fy_platform and now im just fooling around with the day of defeat source game learning how to make nice destroyed city's and buildings.
spinakerjones17 years ago2007-03-27 13:09:55 UTC 0 comments
makin a new map! i need a good name for it, fy_platform is just boring...anyways im working on a web site thing if you can even call it that its like google pages or something but its going to have screen shots of my map dustwarz and platform and also links to download both (it will soon been full of awsome maps!) onec im done with it.
spinakerjones17 years ago2007-02-21 23:41:44 UTC 0 comments
im even cooler now :biggrin:
spinakerjones17 years ago2007-01-28 17:56:39 UTC 0 comments
im cool :biggrin: