Journal #1082

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-31 23:46:52 UTC
Trapt Traptlegend
I have made the decision that if Rabid leaves, so will I. The reason I love this site is because of its fantastic community. But since the community has been ripped to shreds by certain fucking assholes, I might as well spend my time at the SnarkPit.

If things do however calm down before HL2 comes out, then I will consider coming back. But the way things are going now, I don't think Anonymous will be able to develop any kind of maturity over the next fortnight.

So I suppose this is a premature goodbye.

I will, of course, miss those people who do contribute to the community. I will still pop in IRC, only because of the fact that IRC doesn't have fucking tards in it, and it is a nice friendly area for people to catch up.

I'm hoping people will have a long hard thing about what they actually contribute to, here at TWHL. Have a good fucking long think about it, because I think a lot of people need to.

Now I have had enough of this fucking bullshit going on, and I hope that people can support my decision, and make up their own mind about whether they really want to be here any more.

-A REALLY fucking pissed off Trapt.


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