Journal #2251

Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 03:29:04 UTC
I am very glad to have joined TWHL. I wish I had sooner. Everyone here is very helpful. I guess that's because we have a lot of really awesome people and the less awesome people were weeded out as TWHL grew. I hope to be a hearty contribution to TWHL and will help when I can.

I recently joined and already I have been asking question. The answers to those questions, however, were incredibly helpful. Thanks everybody. :)

I'd just like to let everyone know that I am willing to help as far as voice acting for mods, mapping, feedback, and perhaps some design suggestions for just about anything.

P.S.: I hope I don't seem like a newby posting this journal entry. /shrug I just felt like saying all of this. Besides, that's what the journal is for, right? :)


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