Journal #3225

Posted 18 years ago2006-04-29 05:37:28 UTC
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Happy Birthday to...ME!

Yep, that?s right! I am officially 17 which means I am of legal age to drive a car.

Presents....presents....Yes well I got my main presents a while ago aka the 10MB Broadband - The best so far in the UK...Hey don't gloat 'Rest of the World'. Anyway I also ordered a game that still isn't out and I went on about it in my previous posts...

I received my first 'L' driving licence and a set of driving lessons...Soon I can drive to your houses!

Today I received loads of cards filled with money...I got clothes, Silent Hill series box from a great friend who always seems to get the perfect gift. I am ever so close to getting my 380 pounds coat Mwuaha!

Well wish me a Happy Birthday and this is Habboi signing off on the 29th of April 2006...When I look back at this...Laugh for me Will.


A picture:
User posted image
Don't I just look happy :D
User posted image
Driving license FTW *Is it 'Licence' or 'License'? Curse my bad spelling today.


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