Journal #3513

Posted 18 years ago2006-07-11 10:05:22 UTC
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Hello Habboi! This is your 3666th login.

666 :o No wonder I'm having such a shit day...


Stupid 24 hour posting...

"Ok so I had another driving lesson...
My 9th I believe except you see it was an hour and a 'half' so that adds on as my 10th (Well half) so now I have to pay extra for another hour and then I can pay for another 10 lessons after.

Today?s lesson was very pleasing...I am getting better and now that I think about it...I realise now why he got stressed today...Sure I made mistakes but the flipping car doesn't even have air conditioning so it was blazing hot and I stalled the car in the middle of the road...

He introduced roundabouts and that failed so bad...You wanna know why? He fails to realise I'm not confident with clutch control yet so he had a huge go at me like a stressy father...

Anyway after the stress died the journey got better and at the end he tested me by making me drive on, stop, start up again and repeat...

This was to see if I could control the clutch and I did...Very well I might add.

Apart from that it was good...Funny story I was turning right but I had to stop to wait for an opening...This guy offers me to go and because I take ages to get into clutch bite I thought shit if I don't hurry up he'll leave so I desperately let go of the clutch and by doing so the car jumped forwards and scared the hell out of the driver who let me go...

Oh well :)

In mod news...More progress...My concept artist is nearly done with the three drawings although he could be a bit faster...His work however is good quality to the amount of time it took...I got a few changes to mention to him and no I'm not going to show you them because the next media update will be a huge one...yes that's right, I'm going to have them modelled, skinned, compiled in, placed in custom levels and below will be the website name, a request for people to help and pretty much good joy ;)

So look forward to it...It'll be a while but it'll be worth it for sure!"


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