Journal #4465

Posted 17 years ago2007-07-15 11:28:19 UTC
Since overtime of makeing FF, I have been wanting to map for Independent Force, im able to resist, but since I dont feel like mapping for FF right now, I decided to try and make an advanced door, I know the compition has been over for awhile, but I thought I would give it a shot in makeing a advanced door.

Update1: So far my advanced door has a much better looking area then itself, im glad that FF has made me want to map somthing serious, this will show more of my mapping skills, and so far its probably my 2nd best made level for HL, besides the fact that the level is really small.

Update2: Now the level looks more like a Independent Force map besides an advanced door map, but ah well, this might go into IF, not sure yet, but ill post the Bsp when I finish this.

I said this also in the previous journal, but if anyone wants to be a part in FF, if they want, I could take a HL or Op4 map, fix it up and give it to them to turn it into somthing random.

Update3: I am now working on 3 differnt projects, 1. Half-Life Funny Force, 2.A puzzle map, which ill explain more, 3.An advanced door.
Now about that puzzle map, since I like a good puzzle or challange I thought I would make some, below shows the main room, thats the only thing finished so far, but unlike some puzzle maps, this one has a Healthkit and Battery spawner to make sure you will stay alive.
User posted image
4:15Am Tempature 74F Scorpions - Edge Of Time


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