Journal #4853

Posted 16 years ago2008-02-09 21:04:28 UTC
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
TWHL3 Development Diary Thingie #3

Here I am again with another edition of the TWHL3 development diary! This time I will have a quick chat about the graphical updates to the site, and because that won't take very long, I'll talk about what to expect when it's time to update.

Changes to the HTML code has already been talked about in #1 - The table layout has been scrapped for the new-age CSS layout, and the site is generally less ugly. Strider is making up some new graphics like a brand new logo, download buttons, etc etc. Eventually he will remake the smilies so that they fit in better.

Ummm, yeah. Design isn't really my forte, so this is what will happen when the time comes to upgrade:

1. TWHL will be closed off to all users.
2. TWHL is upgraded to TWHL3 and admins will start testing it.
3. The site will be reopened once the upgrade is complete.

The entire process will take quite a while and could be anywhere between 1 to 3 days. The page that you will redirect to will tell you any major updates, an expected re-opening date, and a link to IRC so you can get up-to-the-minute updates.

Pretty much nothing has been done on TWHL3 since the last journal, I'm taking a little break. It's at 95.4%.


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